Tyler Locke begins the story as a troubled teen who is mourning the loss of his father, as an audience, it is impossible to not feel bad as you watch him blame himself for the death. However, once he begins to grow and evolve as a person he makes some rather questionable decisions that leave viewers baffled.

Based on the comics, the Netflix original Locke & Key tells the tale of a heartbroken family who, in light of their father’s death, moves to the Locke’s old family home. While there, the family struggle to deal with this loss and often push help away as they mourn. However, once they find the keys that can do pretty much anything, most of the children’s mood changes as they learn more about who their father was and what he was keeping to himself.

As viewers, you are witness to the horrors that these children are put through as they become the protectors of the keys, leaving it impossible to not feel sorry for them. However, the eldest kids, Tyler and Kinsey abuse the power they have been given, making many choices that just leave you hating them.

10 Felt Bad: Leaving San Fransisco

After the loss of his father, Tyler Locke and his family were forced to leave their beloved home as a sort of escape. As the viewers watch how much Tyler struggles with this, it’s hard to not feel sorry for him, especially when it is mentioned that he blames himself.

Moving across the country is hard for anyone, however, for teenagers like Tyler, it means leaving his entire life behind with little choice. It’s clear he resents the move and feels rather powerless as they enter Matheson.

9 Hated Him: Ignoring Bode

Tyler is probably the most accepting sibling as opposed to Kinsey. Nevertheless, he ignores Bode’s calls for help as he discovers a woman in the Well House.

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It is rather frustrating to watch as no one bats an eye when Bode reveals one of the keys and that a woman is talking to him, they all ignore the fact that even if it wasn’t a demon, it’s still a very bad thing to be happening! Perhaps if they listened to Bode when he raised the issue, they wouldn’t have gotten into the trouble they did.


8 Felt Bad: Blaming Himself

Each character arrives at Key House with a regret or concern that they eventually explore and attempt to get over. For Tyler, it was possibly the worst thing a child could think. He blamed himself for the death of his father after joking that if Sam kills his own father then he should kill Tyler’s too.

Viewers can’t help but feel bad for Tyler as he wrestles between his guilt and his anger before finally being able to confront his father’s killer and finding out that what he said had no relevance to his father’s murder.

7 Hated Him: Cheating

Tyler and Jackie became friends and hinted at being more than that from the start of the show. Since then every viewer began rooting for their relationship to begin and to flourish until Tyler ruined it.

Lured by Dodge, he quickly went along with what she wanted and never hesitated when he kissed her. This infuriated fans for more than one reason. The first being the fact that he is kissing a demon, and the second was how much Jackie didn’t deserve to be played or hurt like that. Luckily she forgives him, but fans remain furious at his bad choices.

6 Felt Bad: The Mirror Key

There are many reasons why viewers felt bad during this scene. It must have been extremely traumatic to go into a prison like the Mirror Key. So to watch your mother go in there and get trapped, it takes a brilliant amount of bravery to try to save her.

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It is impossible to not feel terrible for Tyler at this moment, as he faces the potential loss of his only remaining parent and then watches her forget about the whole thing only seconds after. It is traumatic for everyone involved.

5 Hated Him: Dismissing The Mirror Key

After such a traumatic and horrifying event, Tyler and Kinsey still ignore Bode! They reject the Keys’ powers and just push him away yet again.

For both fans and Bode, it is extremely frustrating to watch as he gets ignored yet again and Tyler rejects the issues they are facing. They only end up believing him when he shows them the Head Key but even then, viewers are annoyed by Tyler’s ignorance.

4 Felt Bad: Losing Joe

Joe Ridgeway quickly became a good friend to Nina Locke and was a wonderful mentor to Tyler. He taught Tyler to follow his dreams and somewhat set him up with Jackie, a great decision in the opinion of most fans.

So when he was murdered it struck a chord in everyone’s hearts. For Tyler, he lost another father figure and it clearly affected him a lot, even if he did move on rather quickly.

3 Hated Him: Talking About The Keys

Considering there was a literal demon chasing them about the keys and someone murdered his father in search for them, Tyler and Kinsey have no problems telling the whole world about their powers and who has what.

Not only did he tell people about the keys but he actively used one in the middle of school! It should be noted that Kinsey was much worse at keeping this secret but it was irresponsible and could have put so many people in danger.

2 Felt Bad: Meeting Sam Lesser Again

Most fans feel like his reaction to meeting his father’s murderer was particularly good. Although not effective he tried to restrain him and put up a great fight.

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However, even with him getting the closure he needed, the audience still feel terrible for Tyler as he is forced to be face to face with Sam Lesser again. Thankfully he reacts well and tries his best to protect his family.

1 Hated Him: Throwing Ellie Through The Omega Door

As soon as Kinsey and Tyler start doubting their decision to throw Dodge through the door, the audience knows it’s a mistake.

It should be noted that they had no idea what they were doing but even so, it is infuriating to watch them go through with it and potentially kill Ellie. Although it’s easy for viewers to say, the whole battle was far too easy and perhaps they should have noticed that there was something wrong here.

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