Warning: Spoilers for the end of Manifest season 3 below, including Grace’s storyline.

Manifest never got to show the repercussions of Grace’s death in the season 3 finale, nor did it get to tease what effect it would have on Ben (Josh Dallas). For all three seasons, their relationship was integral to the show, so it’s wondering what impact it would have had on the series.

Her story came to a shocking end in the final minutes of the episode, which completed Angelina’s dark turn. For a while now, Angelina (Holly Taylor) has been on a strange path, fueled by her need for a family and her unwavering belief that Grace’s youngest child is supposed to be her guardian angel. After being encouraged by Adrian (Jared Grimes), she returned to the Stone household and stabbed Grace (Athena Karkanis) off-screen to get to the baby. An older Cal (Ty Doran) returned just in time to have one last moment with his mother, who died from her wound before anyone else could arrive.


Ben, Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh), and Saanvi (Parveen Khaur) discovered a bit too late that Angelina was the reason for the mysterious Callings experienced in the episode, and never did learn about Grace’s death. Similar to Manifest’s huge Cal change which occurred in the same scene, what happened to Grace would most certainly have been a game-changing development for the main characters, particularly Ben. Since the beginning of the series, Ben had remained committed to making their marriage work, despite all the obstacles they’ve faced. There was more than one occasion where it looked like the two were headed for a split, but each time they overcame their problems. Their relationship surviving everything that threatened to pull them apart, only for Grace to meet a sudden end made her death all the more tragic.

It’s possible that this would result in Ben continuing his previous downward spiral. Earlier, characters like Michaela and Grace became concerned about his mental state. They were worried that he had developed an unhealthy obsession with following the Callings. Being arrested for assault resulted in some feeling that he had lost his way, but he has since become determined not to repeat his mistakes. However, it could be that Grace’s death would have undone that and more by sending him to an even darker place. In a way, her presence in his life has been a source of strength for him, so losing her could have had an effect on his resolve, especially since he’s sure to blame himself for not figuring out that she was in danger quickly enough.

What may have made matters worse for Ben in Manifest season 4 is his character not getting a chance to grieve. So much happened in those last few scenes that the passengers would have been forced to deal with immediately. Not only did Ben’s son disappear and return five years older, but both of his daughters were just kidnapped. While still reeling from Grace’s death, Ben would have had to get his children back while also coming to terms with Cal’s mysterious return. And considering how fast things have been progressing, it’s not clear if Ben would get a break at all. It would be up to characters like Saanvi and Michaela to help him persevere through this tragedy.

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