Though incredible space odyssey Thor: Ragnarok saved that hero’s series and the Iron Man movies are fun, there’s no arguing that Captain America has the best movie trilogy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And along with some incredible period war and espionage spy movies, his presence in the Avengers movies is unlike any other character in the MCU.

However, as well rounded and polished as the character and his movies are, it doesn’t mean he’s without any criticism at all. Between constantly being pit against Tony Stark, being accused of having some major personality flaws, and being criticized for who he passed down the shield to, the are some things that don’t quite sit right with a small minority of fans.

10 Captain America Should Have Made The Final Snap

Arguing that Captain America’s arc has always been about self-sacrifice, one Redditor argues that it should have been Steve who put on the Infinity Gauntlet at the end of Endgame and snap away Thanos. However, Steve’s arc was also about trying to live a normal life, and at the end of the movie, Cap finally got the happy ending he deserved. And if he was the one to make the snap, it wouldn’t have been as poetic, as in the first Avengers movie all the way back in 2012, Steve says to Tony, “you’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play.”

9 He Is A Bad Person And Didn’t Earn His Powers

In a scathing review of Steve Rogers as a person, this user believes that the character is so full of himself and that the character mistakes righteousness for self-righteousness. To the user’s credit, the bad things that Steve has done in the past have been well documented, and at the end of Endgame, he basically abandoned everybody. But on top of that, they claim that the character is nothing more than a lab experiment and that he didn’t earn his powers.


8 Captain America: Civil War Is Overrated

With a rating of 7.8 on IMDb and an 90% approval rating on Rotten tomatoes, Captain America: Civil War is the highest scored Cap movie across the board, as both critics and fans were enamoured by it. However, not everybody has the same feelings towards the movie, and one Redditor argues that the only good thing about the movie is Spider-Man.

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However, there are so many other characters that have genius moments, such as Ant-Man and Vision. And as it follows Iron Man trying to prevent further damage from happening by getting Steve to sign the Sokovia Accords, it features one one of the most intelligent narratives in a superhero movie ever.

7 Iron Man Is More Righteous Than Cap

This user argues that Cap isn’t as righteous as he claims or believes to be, and that Tony is much more righteous. The Redditor uses the quote from Tony, “I don’t trust a man without a dark side” to back up their claim, as Captain America is, as the user puts it, a blinding ball of light. Though it’s an unpopular opinion, as most fans believe that Captain America is the moral centre of the MCU and can do no wrong, he has made some controversial moves in the past, and he even turned his friends in to fugitives.

6 John Walker’s Captain America Is Good

Though Captain America was succeeded by Sam in the show, Falcon and the Winter Soldier first introduced a very different replacement for Steve Rogers. Fans were up in arms about John Walker, as he was cocky and seemed way too secretive, and he even inspired some funny memes.

However, a select few liked Walker and even empathised with him, as it essentially wasn’t his fault that he became the new Captain America. But now that mantle has been quickly taken away from him, he’s being set up for a bigger role in the MCU, playing the villain US Agent.

5 He’s The Worst Avenger

One Redditor believes that Steve’s patriotism and goody-two-shoes attitude is too annoying, and it makes him by far the worst Avenger. But while that’s completely fair, it’s also the whole point. Steve Rogers’ patriotism and willingness to follow orders is a great counterbalance to Tony Stark’s selfishness and egotism.

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The whole point is that the two heroes are in it for different reasons but they ultimately have a shared goal, and they both learn from each other. Though Cap might be overly patriotic and goody-goody in the first couple of movies, he learns to not blindly follow orders and that being selfish sometimes isn’t always a bad thing.

4 Steve Shouldn’t Have Given The Shield To Sam

After the release of Avengers: Endgame, not everybody was happy with the choice Steve made to give the Captain America shield to Sam. They argue that if it wasn’t for Sam’s wings he’d be nothing and have no special abilities. Not only that, but he doesn’t have close to the strength or power as Captain America.

The Redditor goes even further by saying that Black Widow was more like the embodiment of what Steve stood for and that she should have been given the shield. However, this hot take came before the release of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which showed just how much Sam can do with the shield, and it even led to him becoming the new Captain America.

3 Captain America: Winter Soldier Is The Worst MCU Movie

Not only is Civil War considered to be one of the best MCU movies, but Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a game-changer in the pantheon of Marvel movies too. The film turned the series from a period war drama into an espionage political thriller, and it turned out to be an incredible left turn.

However, this Redditor claims that it isn’t just the worst Captain America movie, but the worst movie in the entire MCU. Comparing it to other movies in the universe, they state that the art direction isn’t as good and that the twists are pathetic. But while it might not be the most colorful movie in the world, it fits perfectly with the tone of the film.

2 He Has Had A Bad Character Arc Under The Russos

In the hands of any other director, it’s impossible to know how the Captain America and Avengers movies would have turned out, but it’s a safe bet to say that they wouldn’t have had the laser-sharp focus that they ended up having. That’s all thanks to the Russo brothers, who directed Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame.

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But a few Reddit users think that Cap had a bad character arc over the course of these movies. The users posit that the character never grows, never learns anything new, and isn’t even properly challenged once throughout the films. But more than anything, he lost the idealism that made him so unique.

1 He Only Exists To Give Corny Pep Talks

In a hilarious rant that tears the character apart, one user believes that Captain America only exists to give corny pep talks, and they even go on to call him useless.

But while the moral compass of the series has been known to halt the action to give a few words of motivation, there’s no denying just how imperative to the team he is. He’s the only other character who is able to wield Thor’s hammer, he almost pulled the Infinity Gauntlet away from Thanos with his bare hands, and more than anything else, he is America’s ass.

NextMCU: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Iron Man Trilogy, According To Reddit