All fairy tales feature wisdom that the audience can take away from them. Once Upon a Time takes this to heart by imbuing wisdom in their unique spin on classic fairy tale and Disney characters. Throughout the show’s seven-season run, many of the characters have thought-provoking lines, many of which align with the show’s messages about hope, love, and redemption.

The series also features many quotes that will forever remind fans of its most distinctive characters. This includes the wise words of characters like Snow White, but also the more foreboding lines from the show’s best villains.

Updated February 23rd, 2021 by Matthew Rudoy: Regardless of what’s happening in the world, people will always need hope. Once Upon a Time always put hope at the forefront of the story, showing that there is always a way for things to improve and for the world to change for the better. This was not only true of the heroes in the story, but also of many villains who found redemption over the course of the series. It is only fitting to update this list with more of the hopeful and uplifting quotes from the show. These quotes are not only powerful in the context of the show but also convey wise advice that can apply to the real world. 

15 “If You Want To Change Things, You’re Going To Have To Go Out There And Change Them Yourself Because There Are No Fairy Godmothers In This World.” – Emma

Emma shared these words with Ashley Boyd before she accepted the truth about the Dark Curse or her Savior identity. She didn’t know Ashley was really Cinderella and Emma still didn’t believe in magic at this point. While there were actual fairy godmothers across the many realms in Once Upon a Time, the quote still holds up as it’s a powerful reminder that real change can only happen when an individual creates it change for themselves.

Even in a universe with a Savior and fairy godmothers, positive change only happened when individuals took a stand, and not by waiting around and hoping for help to show up and save the day. No matter how bleak or hopeless the world may seem at times, every individual has the potential to take action and change the world for the better.

14 “Happy Endings Aren’t Always What We Think They’ll Be.” – Snow White

While Snow White believed that happy endings were possible, she was wise to recognize that happy endings didn’t always align with one’s expectations. From her own experiences, she knew that happy endings rarely followed her expectations.

Snow’s wisdom can remind the audience that happiness is possible for everyone, yet one has to be open-minded about what that happiness might look like. In fact, one might sabotage their own happy ending if they can only see a single possibility. The future is unpredictable and life is complicated, but through perseverance, hope, open-mindedness, and learning from one’s mistakes, everyone is capable of achieving happiness. This is how both classic heroes like Snow White and villains like the Evil Queen/Regina were ultimately about to achieve their own happy endings in Once Upon a Time.


13 “Love Is Hope; It Fuels Our Dreams, And If You’re In It, You Need To Enjoy It Because Love Doesn’t Always Last Forever.” – Belle

Belle gave this advice to Grumpy when he was still known as Dreamy. Through her experiences with Rumplestiltskin, Belle recognized that true love could be fleeting, but that didn’t make it any less valuable. She wanted Dreamy to pursue his true feelings for Astrid and to experience the incredible power of love.

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Belle’s words are a reminder to live in and take advantage of the moment. While it may not last forever, soaking up every second is what matters, along with the hope and fire within that it sparks.

12 “You Don’t Do The Right Thing For A Reward. You Do It Because It’s Right.” – Rumplestiltskin

In the series finale of Once Upon a Time, Rumplestiltskin made the ultimate sacrifice. He pulled out his own heart and pushed it into the body of Wish Realm Hook. This saved Hook’s life, but it also meant the end of Rumplestiltskin’s life and the end of the evil Wish Realm Rumplestiltskin.

After centuries of being selfish, power-hungry, and making conniving deals so he could get something in return, Rumplestiltskin finally learned that the right thing should be done not for a reward, but simply because it’s right. This was a powerful culmination of his character arc and a valuable lesson for the audience.

11 “The Best Way To Show Your Love For Those That Are Gone Is To Tell Their Stories.” – The Apprentice

The Apprentice gave Henry this wise advice after Henry became the new Author. Henry was still struggling with the death of his father Baelfire/Neal Cassidy. The Apprentice showed Henry that the best way to honor his father was by telling his story.

This advice can also apply to the real world as telling stories about deceased loved ones is the best to keep their memories and legacies alive. Through the power of storytelling, they live on and can continue to influence and shape the world for the better.

10 “You Can’t Let Fear Of Failure Keep You From Trying.” – Snow White

When Snow finds Hercules in the Underworld, he has lost all hope and is scared to face Cerberus. Snow reminds him of this important lesson that he shared with her all of those years ago.

This quote is consistent with the overarching and empowering themes of Once Upon a Time. The show emphasizes that redemption and happy endings are possible, but one has to try, fail, and learn from mistakes in order to make these outcomes a reality.

9 “It’s Dangerous To Confuse Justice With Vengeance.” – Mulan

Mulan says this to Princess Aurora, but the quote is applicable to numerous characters in the show. No one ever thinks that they are the villain of their own story. Most of Once Upon a Time‘s villains believe they are seeking justice for the ways they’ve been wronged.

The problem is that these villains confuse justice with vengeance. They go too far, hurt too many people, and become blinded by revenge. There’s a fine line and it’s a slippery slope as individuals do ruthless and selfish things in the name of “justice.”

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8 “That’s How You Know You’ve Really Got A Home. ‘Cause When You Leave It …There’s This Feeling You Can’t Shake. You Just Miss It.” – Neal

A flashback in the season 3 finale shows a touching scene early on in Emma and Neal’s relationship. He talks about what a home really is and it becomes clear that a true home is defined by a sense of belonging and the people who are there.

Emma and Neal feel that with one another and it is what brings them together after spending years of feeling like they never belonged anywhere. It is how Emma eventually realizes that her true home is Storybrooke because of the people who love her and make her feel like she belongs.

7 “No Matter How Powerful, All Curses Can Be Broken.” – Rumplestiltskin

In order to figure out what she did wrong when trying to cast the Dark Curse, Regina visits the imprisoned Rumplestiltskin. Even though he is no longer her teacher anymore, he continues to drop wisdom on her such as this line.

This is one of the most important quotes in the show. It not only reminds the audience that all curses can be broken, but also that nothing is as permanent or finite as it seems. Rumplestiltskin knows this and takes advantage of this fact on multiple occasions. Other characters eventually embrace this idea, as they realize there is almost always a way to overcome adversity and find a solution.

6 “I Shall Destroy Your Happiness, If It Is The Last Thing I Do.” – Regina

Regina makes this bold and menacing declaration when she bursts into Snow White and Prince Charming’s wedding. It occurs during one of the show’s first flashbacks in the pilot episode, and it is how viewers are introduced to Regina as the Evil Queen.

This memorable and threatening entrance cements her as the show’s first major antagonist. Considering how much Regina grows as a character, it is intriguing to look back at the first impression she gave viewers. She sells the idea that she is a ruthless villain swearing to destroy a couple’s happiness on their wedding day, but little do fans know that there is so much more to Regina and her story.

5 “Love Is Weakness.” – Cora

This quote contradicts the show’s emphasis on the power and resiliency of true love, which is part of what makes this blunt, cynical statement so memorable. Cora is one of the show’s most formidable and cunning villains. Her belief about love being a weakness drives many of her actions and her cutthroat quest for power.

She even removes her own heart from her body because of her belief about how love makes her vulnerable. The end of Cora’s story proves that she is wrong about love being a weakness, but that doesn’t make the quote any less memorable.

4 “Sometimes The Best Teacup Is Chipped.” – Belle

When Belle is first in Rumplestiltskin’s service, she accidentally knocks over one of his teacups and it becomes chipped. This imperfect teacup becomes representative of the unlikely and imperfect relationship that forms between them. The relationship is flawed, but despite all appearances and problems they encounter along the way, the relationship works in the end.

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The teacup is a recurring symbol and reference to their relationship throughout the series. It is only fitting that Belle refers to it when sharing her vows on their wedding day.

3 “Wicked Always Wins.” – Zelena

Even though she isn’t introduced until the third season, Zelena becomes one of the show’s most unforgettable villains and overall compelling characters. “Wicked always wins” is one of her first lines and immediately exudes an air of confidence and style that is unique to her.

The line also sticks with fans because it is the title of Zelena’s song during the musical episode in the show’s sixth season. “Wicked Always Wins” is arguably the best song in the musical episode and the one that feels most natural to the character who sings it.

2 “I Will Always Find You.” – Snow White/Prince Charming

Snow White and Prince Charming say this quote to one another multiple times throughout the series, with other members of their family even saying it on occasion. Taken out of context, this line may sound creepy or menacing, but in Once Upon a Time, it has to do with the idea that when people truly love each other, they will always find a way to reunite and be together.

No matter how many times they’re cursed, lose their memories, or find themselves trapped in different realms, Snow and Charming always find a way back to each other as nothing can stand in the way of their love.

1 “All Magic Comes With A Price.”

Rumplestiltskin’s line about magic is the most iconic in the show. The magic in Once Upon a Time is highly transactional. In order to gain something, the magic-user must also be willing to lose something and vice versa. Powerful magic never comes freely as there is always a price to pay.

The line is representative of Rumplestiltskin’s penchant for making deals and exploiting loopholes. It’s also a reminder that nothing in life comes freely, a concept that helps the show’s magic system feel more grounded and consequential.

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