There are still plenty of things to do and collectibles to unlock after beating the main campaign of Psychonauts 2. Throughout the main story of Psychonauts 2, players spend the majority of their time controlling Raz and entering the minds of his friends to help them sort through their problems.

Though Psychonauts 2 features many long levels and does take a while to complete, around 12 hours in total, there are a handful of things players can do to extend their playtime. A major feature of Psychonauts 2 is collecting hidden items. Some of these collectibles can only be obtained once Raz reaches a certain Cadet Level and unlocks more powerful psychic abilities. This is to push players to return to levels they have already completed.


Following the end credits, players can have Raz return to various levels and unlock or collect anything they missed during the main campaign. They can also go achievement-hunting, complete side objectives, or work to upgrade Raz to the maximum level.

Best Things to Do After Beating Psychonauts 2

The best things to do after beating Psychonauts 2 include:

  • Grab Every Main Mission Collectible: There are tons of collectibles to find. This includes Figments, Emotional Baggage, Memory Vaults, and Nuggets of Wisdom. Some of these collectibles provide more character lore.
  • Complete Side Missions: Raz can help Dion set up the Aquatodome or locate every Queepie if he didn’t have time to during the main campaign. After finishing the main story, players can find and speak with every NPC to grab additional tasks.
  • Reach Max Cadet Level: Players can continue to build up Raz’s skills by reaching the maximum Cadet Level. This way, players will be able to purchase whatever item they need from the Otto shop and upgrade all psychic abilities to make it even easier to finish picking up collectibles.
  • Gather The Hub Items: Grand areas like the Motherlobe, the Quarry, and the Questionable Area each have their own set of collectibles to find. Players should make sure to not miss these, even though they aren’t main levels.
  • Complete The Trophy List: Players can check out the PlayStation, PC, or Xbox achievement list to find out which activities they still need to complete. Many of these can be unlocked by naturally playing through the game, while others require Raz to complete special tasks.

Once players complete Psychonauts 2 100%, they can also always start a new game and experience the story a second time.

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Psychonauts 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.

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