Vikendi in PUBG is one of the more complex maps available, comprised of twenty-seven named locations that spawn plenty of loot for dropping players. However, some places can potentially provide better tier loot than others, giving players a more substantial chance for survival. When dropping into this map, Vikendi‘s fresh snow and footprint mechanic is an essential detail to keep in mind. When Survivors rush across the wintry landscape, they will always leave behind a trail of footmarks in the white blanket covering the terrain. In other words, no matter how good a player’s starting gear loot may be, they always need to be aware of their surroundings and the footprints they will inevitably leave behind that potential threats might follow.


While it undoubtedly is a safer option to land on an unnamed location to have easy access to loot unrestrained from other players, venturing into the battlefield with less than optimal gear may stifle one’s survivability when getting into an encounter. Therefore, it would be wise to focus on landing in the best locations for loot on Vikendi’s map to better dominate a fight.

One of the best PUBG locations to find loot in Vikendi is the Castle, a major landmark located in the middle of the river that travels through the entire island. The site comes complete with a frigid moat surrounding its stalwart walls, making it a great place to hold down a final defense. The Castle spawns plenty of great equipment and provides many spots for gaining cover when getting into a skirmish. Due to its central location, it is also one of the most popular destinations to land in Vikendi, meaning a good deal of players will immediately head to the Castle to compete for its stronghold fortifications and choice loot.

Where to Find the Best Loot in PUBG’s Vikendi Map

Another excellent spot for looting after landing in Vikendi is Goroka, a frozen lakeside town near the island’s center. It features a large neighborhood concentrated with a supply of high-tier equipment. In addition, it offers prominent points of verticality, providing a vantage point for players with long-range weaponry in PUBG. The various buildings grant plenty of cover; however, it is recommended to keep away from the large frozen lake as it has almost no protection from enemy fire.

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The third best place to find loot in Vikendi is Cosmodrome, an abandoned spacecraft launch site harboring a rocket that never made it to space. This massive complex has wide-open areas with looting spots quite spread out. Hence, it will take a bit longer than other locations to find gear, and Survivors will need to be cautious when traversing from each loot point. Still, the superior equipment that spawns in Cosmodrome is why many players will find the launch site a superb landing spot in Vikendi.

PUBG: Battlegrounds is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, with a mobile version on Android and iOS.

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