There are four films in the Scream franchise but seven killers altogether. Aside from Scream 3, each entry had two killers that worked together to terrorize Sidney and murder everyone around her. As such, it can be messy trying to figure out who kills who in each film.

By looking at the framing of scenes, their sequential order, and some clever filmmaking choices, it is possible to give a somewhat accurate count of each killer’s victims. This will be a ranking of each killer based solely on their kill count, not the quality of their character or motivation. For any Scream superfans out there, you know exactly why that must be said.

7 Mrs. Loomis – Scream 2 (1 Kill)

The character of Debbie Salt is revealed to be Mrs. Loomis, a.k.a Billy’s mother. Despite being the true mastermind behind the Windsor College Murders, Mrs. Loomis only gets one kill in the entire film. Her one and only victim is Randy, which Loomis admits to Sidney in the final act. She isn’t technically the one to kill Mickey since he rises up one last time before Gale and Sidney blow him away. If anything, Mrs. Loomis got the assist.

It makes sense that Mrs. Loomis would only get one kill as she’s likely in her 40s or 50s, and wouldn’t have the strength or endurance to do most of the kills. It’s safe to assume that she’s the one who does most of the phone calls, allowing Mickey to do all the heavy lifting.

6 Stu Macher – Scream (2 Kills)

Stu Macher is the second killer of the original Scream and he’s more of Billy’s unhinged yet still reliable lackey. He surely wasn’t the brains of the operation. Stu only gets two kills throughout the first film; Steve and Kenny. A cool trick that director Wes Craven does is that both Billy and Stu hold their knife differently. Stu holds the knife with two hands while Billy only uses one.

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In Scream’s infamous opening scene, the most logical conclusion is that Stu killed Steve and Billy killed Casey. This is because Billy was most likely the one on the phone with Casey during Steve’s murder. Kenny’s killer is easy to figure out as Stu was in the Ghostface costume due to Billy having to be upstairs playing dead.


5 Charlie Walker – Scream 4 (3 Kills)

Charlie Walker wasn’t the most welcoming new character in Scream 4. He was an obvious stand-in for the new Randy but had none of the charisma or charm. His motivation is also very stupid. He was just in love with Jill and went along with her plan.

As for his victims, Charlie kills three people (possibly four). The first one is actually either Jenny or Marnie in the beginning. It’s a toss-up but you’re led to believe both Jill and Charlie worked together. The next two are Olivia and Robbie, given that Jill had to be out of costume to maintain her cover during these scenes. Now, it’s still up for debate whether or not Charlie killed Kirby, as she’s only seen bleeding out. With Scream 5 officially in the works, it’s possible that she may still be alive. If Dewey can survive everything he did in the series, Kirby could survive a few stabbings.

4 Billy Loomis – Scream (4 Kills)

Billy Loomis is still the best Ghostface but his kill count puts him directly in the middle. Billy is the one who kicked off the Scream franchise as the psychopathic mama’s boy who loves horror movies a little too much. Of the six victims in the film, Billy killed four; Maurine Prescott, Casey, Principal Himbry, and Tatum.

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A bit of cheating here but Maurine Prescott would be considered one of his victims, with Stu just being an accomplice. It is debated whether Billy or Stu killed Principal Himbry but based on the knife holding detail, it’s most likely Billy that does the deed.

3 Mickey Altieri – Scream 2 (7 Kills)

For the next two entries, there is a tie. The first is Mickey, who is an interesting character among the franchise. His motivation is very unique as it doesn’t have anything to do with Sidney. He’s just an insane serial killer who wants the fame of getting put on trial.

Every kill in Scream 2, with the exception of Randy, is carried out by Mickey. You can tell most of the kills are by him based on the ingenuity and brutality of all the kills, even going as far as killing Phil and Maureen inside a crowded theater. He may have just been the secondary antagonist of the film but he still racked up a high body count.

2 Jill Roberts – Scream 4 (7 Kills)

Jill does a ton of work in Scream 4. She does a terrific job of maintaining her innocence while simultaneously having the second-highest kill count. She’s also the closest of all the Scream killers to nearly succeed in carrying out her plan. In fact, the original script ended with Jill surviving.

Jill gets seven kills in the film, way more than her partner Charlie, who also ends up on her kill list by the end. Jill is the one who actually kills the cops outside her house since Charlie was off hosting the Stab-A-Thon. Jill also made her way to Stab-A-Thon to stab Galein the shoulder. It’s unclear how she had all this time to go from point A to B but the franchise does have those unrealistic moments from time to time.

1 Roman Bridger – Scream 3 (9 Kills)

Roman Bridger, who’s revealed to be Sidney’s long-lost brother, gets the highest kill count in the series by default since he’s the sole killer of Scream 3. Of course, having the highest kill count doesn’t change the fact that he’s still the worst thing to happen to the franchise.

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While he doesn’t have an actual partner, Roman gets quite a bit of help from the awful script. First off, he has very little screen time, making you almost forget he’s in the film at all. Secondly, his fake “off-screen” death makes no sense as Gale literally feels for a pulse. Last, but certainly not least, he gets the luxury of using an unrealistic voice changer that allows him to mimic everyone with perfect clarity. Still, with a total of nine kills, he gets the highest body count in the Scream franchise, sadly.

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