The Silver Surfer and Green Lantern have very different roles when it comes to being heroes in space. Green Lantern patrols the galaxy as a part of a space police force. Meanwhile, Silver Surfer travels the cosmos on his silver board as the former Herald of Galactus. But, what happens when the two met up and fought? Well, the Surfer easily defeated the Green Lantern.

In the DC vs. Marvel (1996) crossover event, fans voted on who they’d like to see as victors in fights between popular Marvel and DC Comics characters. The miniseries allowed for some tantalizing matchups that were seemingly impossible before the two publishers agreed to the book, including Wolverine fighting Lobo, Wonder Woman taking on Storm, and Captain America battling Batman. The matchups also went to space as the Green Lantern tried his best to fight Silver Surfer.


DC vs. Marvel had heroes forced to fight against each other in order to save their universe from being destroyed. Issue three featured Kyle Rayner’s Green Lantern taking on Norrin Radd aka the Silver Surfer. Both reluctantly agreed to fight for the greater good. In the battle, Rayner constructs armor, a lance, and a mechanical beast and goes after Silver Surfer on his board in a space game of joust. However, the Green Lantern’s attempt at knocking down his opponent fails catastrophically. Surfer meets Rayner’s and when the two make impact, the Green Lantern is knocked out. Unconscious from the blast, Rayner lays on the former Herald of Galactus’ board, as Silver Surfer laments “the victory is mine… yet never have I more regretted an opponent’s defeat.”

Fan voting or not, Green Lantern really never stood a chance against the Silver Surfer. The Surfer’s power cosmic is one of the greatest powers in the Marvel Universe. Green Lantern’s power ring is no laughing matter, but comparatively, it stood little chance at overcoming the Surfer’s vast power. Hence, Rayner was made quick work of.

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Funny enough, the crossover isn’t the first time Green Lantern and Silver Surfer met with one another. The two starred in the one-shot Green Lantern/Silver Surfer Unholy Alliances, that showcased the two heroes coming together to fight Terrax and Cyborg-Superman, respectively. The DC vs. Marvel crossover was a continuation of that story. Ultimately, the Surfer handily defeated the Green Lantern – a result that comic purists likely agree with. At the end of the day, the Silver Surfer is considerably more powerful than the Green Lantern – this issue proved it and then some.

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