Kody Brown promised that he did his best to keep the Brown family safe from COVID in Sister Wives season 16, but fans believe Kody has ulterior motives for enforcing such strict rules. Although it was wise of Kody to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously, the Brown family’s followers don’t think that safety was the main reason why Kody’s guidelines were so difficult to abide by. From his desire to control his family members to Robyn’s ongoing mission to claim Kody, here’s why Sister Wives fans think Kody Brown’s COVID rules were so strict.

Unfortunately, Sister Wives season 16 turned out to be the beginning of the end for the Brown family. In the latest chapter of the polygamist clan’s story, Kody’s relationships with his wives were put to the ultimate test as COVID-19 forced the family members to isolate themselves from one another at a time when tensions were already high between the reality stars. Specifically, the stringent rules Kody put into place in an alleged effort to prevent COVID from spreading throughout his large family ended up being the nail in the coffin of the patriarch’s spiritual marriage with his third wife, Christine Brown. Although he appeared well-intentioned, fans think Kody Brown’s COVID rules were so strict to serve his own interests.


The world struggled to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, but the Brown family collapsed under the pressure that COVID placed on the already worn-out crew of polygamists. Not only did Christine decide to leave Kody after 27 years of marriage during the pandemic, but Kody’s seemingly sound relationship with Janelle was also put to the test in Sister Wives season 16. Janelle stood up against Kody and argued that his coronavirus rules were too divisive and difficult to follow after the patriarch asserted that the entire Brown clan wouldn’t be able to spend Thanksgiving together. Some Sister Wives fans suspect Kody was too strict with his COVID rules to maintain control of his crumbling family. A Reddit user explained, “The COVID rules that [Kody] tried to impose on the others was all about control and not… about staying safe.”

Regrettably, Janelle and Christine found it challenging to follow Kody’s stringent COVID rules in Sister Wives season 16. The sister wives shared some of Kody Brown’s more demanding requests like showering after returning from the grocery store and cleaning their mail with alcohol wipes. The most devastating rule was Kody’s social distancing decree, which resulted in Kody going for months without seeing most of his wives and children. While Meri, Janelle, and Christine were quarantined from Kody, however, Robyn got months of quality time with Kody. Some Sister Wives viewers believe Robyn is the reason why Kody made his COVID rules so strict. A fan ventured, “It was about [Kody and Robyn] wanting to live monogamy while still profiting from the other wives.” The Brown family’s followers think Kody’s coronavirus guidelines were successful in their intent to create a divide between himself and his first trio of wives.

Kody established that he always puts his family’s safety first, but by enforcing such strict COVID guidelines in Sister Wives season 16, Kody Brown jumpstarted the end of his plural marriage. Whether he was trying to assert his dominance or begin a monogamous life with Robyn, Sister Wives think Kody Brown’s COVID rules were so strict for a reason. Regrettably, Kody’s stern protocol didn’t save the Brown family from falling apart in Sister Wives season 16.

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Source: Immediate_Ad684/Reddit

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