Kylo Ren’s true identity of Ben Solo was one of the greatest secrets in the Star Wars galaxy – and here are all the characters confirmed to have known about it. When the First Order emerged from the shadows of the Unknown Regions, they worked hard to ensure their origins were a secret. This was even the case with their leaders, including the powerful dark side warrior named Kylo Ren. Although Kylo Ren was clearly a Darth Vader imitator, most of the galaxy had no idea where he’d come from.

According to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary, Supreme Leader Snoke forbade any mention of Kylo Ren’s real name – presumably enforcing this with a death penalty. Delilah S. Dawson’s novel Phasma confirms even many high-ranking figures in the First Order had no idea who he was, and consequently were more than a little disturbed when he simply appeared at the top of the First Order hierarchy. Some – such as General Hux – appear to have figured out the truth, presumably a result of careful investigation. But there’s some evidence that, in spite of Snoke’s edict, the truth gradually spread among the ranks. Some members of the First Order had served alongside Darth Vader, and they figured it out.


The secret was kept even more assiduously by Leia Organa and Han Solo, with only their closest friends appearing to know. Surprisingly, it’s possible even Luke Skywalker didn’t know for years, simply because he seems to have begun his self-imposed exile to Ahch-To well before Kylo Ren appeared as a force to be reckoned with. The truth began to emerge in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, with the script confirming that both Rey and Finn could hear what was said in the final confrontation between Ben Solo and his father. But it’s unclear how widely Kylo Ren’s secret became known over the course of the sequel trilogy because that period has been little explored since then. Still, here are all the people officially confirmed to know Kylo Ren’s true identity before Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


Emperor Palpatine knew Ben Solo was really Kylo Ren all along: He was the one who seduced him to the dark side in the first place. Chuck Wendig’s novel Aftermath: Empire’s End features Kylo Ren still in his mother’s womb and a disturbing scene in which Leia sensed a dark side presence watching over her baby. It’s reasonable to assume this was Palpatine, already deciding he would claim the grandson of the Chosen One as his pawn. Palpatine manipulated Kylo Ren over the next few decades, a constant whisper in his ear, speaking to him through many voices that coaxed him towards the dark side. Charles Soule’s comic The Rise of Kylo Ren suggests Ben’s descent really began with the Emperor allowing Luke Skywalker to sense his presence in Ben’s chambers, with Luke reflexively triggering his lightsaber in response, leading to that fateful confrontation. With Luke defeated, Palpatine unleashed a Force Storm upon the Jedi Temple, with Kylo Ren taking the blame for Palpatine’s deeds.

Supreme Leader Snoke

The relationship between Ben Solo and Supreme Leader Snoke is still something of a mystery. A strand-cast created by Palpatine to serve as his puppet, Snoke appears to have been a well-known figure in the galaxy, and he first encountered Ben as a Jedi Padawan. Ben initially believed he killed Luke Skywalker during the duel at the Jedi Temple, although Snoke knew better, and the future Supreme Leader then sent Ben to the Knights of Ren to complete his descent into the dark side. He then introduced the youth to the First Order as his agent, Kylo Ren.

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The Knights of Ren

Charles Soule’s comic The Rise of Kylo Ren reveals the Knights of Ren were originally led by a dark side warrior called Ren. Ben Solo first encountered the Knights when he was Luke Skywalker’s Padawan, and Ren sensed the darkness inside him – which he called “the Shadow” – and appealed to him. Years later, blamed for Luke’s death and the destruction of the Jedi Temple, Ben headed to Ren to train with him. He eventually killed his master, becoming the new leader of the Knights of Ren, and claiming the name “Kylo Ren.” The other members of the group knew his story.

Leia, Han, and Chewbacca

The Rise of Kylo Ren reveals Leia sensed the moment Ben Solo became Kylo Ren, and no doubt she shared that knowledge with Han. The two appear to have kept this a closely-guarded secret, perhaps wary Leia’s reputation would suffer further damage if the galaxy learned she was the mother of the First Order’s greatest warrior. Chewbacca certainly knew, though – according to the novelization of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, his continuing love for Ben was instrumental in redeeming him.

Lor San Tekka

Curiously enough, Lor San Tekka – a major figure in a cult called the Church of the Force – evidently knew the truth as well. “I know where you came from,” he told Kylo Ren as he stood before the Master of the Knights of Ren. “Before you called yourself Kylo Ren.” It’s interesting to note he expected this statement to provoke a reaction, supporting the idea precious few people knew the truth. Lor San Tekka’s fate was already sealed, but his comment surely accelerated his demise.

General Hux

The Star Wars films themselves are silent as to whether or not General Hux knew Kylo Ren was really Ben Solo, but Tom Taylor’s Age of Resistance: General Hux one-shot proves he was well aware of the truth. The comic sees Hux and Kylo Ren survive a crash-landing upon a deserted world, and the two openly vent their hostility to one another, with Hux openly expressing his contempt. “Vader wore his mask because he couldn’t breathe without it,” he fumed in one scene. “But you… you just play dress-up to hide the faces of your Rebel scum parents–” Hux only survived because he was confident Snoke would sense Kylo Ren’s act of rebellion in killing him.

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Captain Ruthford

Tom Taylor’s Age of Resistance: Kylo Ren suggests the knowledge may have been a lot more common in the First Order than Kylo Ren would have liked, though. The comic features an old Imperial veteran named Captain Ruthford who now serves as a Stormtrooper Commander in the First Order, and who was singularly unimpressed by Kylo Ren’s eagerness to prove himself. In one scene, Kylo Ren attempted to kill a creature Darth Vader had been unable to slay decades earlier – by jumping down its throat, a tactic similar to Din Djarin’s defeat of the Krayt Dragon in The Mandalorian. “Nice one, kid,” Ruthford grumbled. “Way to get eaten. I’m sure your granddad would be really impressed.” Kylo Ren’s true identity as Ben Solo was clearly more widely known throughout the Star Wars galaxy if a First Order Stormtrooper Commander like Rutherford knew.

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