It was revealed during the final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct that Sora from Kingdom Hearts will be the last DLC character added to the game.  This marks the end of a three-year saga, starting with Piranha Plant’s surprise addition as an early adopter bonus, and Joker from Persona 5‘s surprise announcement at The Game Awards.

The saga of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be defined with its character reveals, which started even before the game was officially announced. The reveal of an Inkling as a new Super Smash Bros. fighter during a Splatoon 2 event meant that Nintendo fans always had to be on the lookout for new announcements. This extended to events outside of Nintendo’s domain, as both Joker and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII were revealed at The Game Awards. The sight of the familiar Super Smash Bros. Ultimate cross was enough to incite excitement in fans across the globe, even if the character was a letdown.


The end is finally here, as Masahiro Sakurai revealed during the final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct that Sora from Kingdom Hearts is coming to the game as the last member of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 2. He will be coming to the game on October 18, 2021. The full Direct can be seen on the official Nintendo YouTube channel.

Sora is a light character who fights with his iconic Keyblade weapon. His inclusion to the game was leaked, when a 4Chan user claimed Disney music was requested for a Smash Bros. trailer. Sora is a fast character with a massive recovery chain, a counter, and a selection of magic spells for his Specials. His stage is the Hollow Bastion from the original Kingdom Hearts. Sora will be available to claim by those who have purchased the second Fighters Pass, and can be purchased separately on the Nintendo eShop.

The addition of Sora to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate means that the DLC for the game has finally come to an end. Masahiro Sakurai and his team have done an incredible job, bringing so many fighters from across the gaming landscape into one title. This also means that future entries in the series will have an even higher expectation put upon them. It wouldn’t be surprising if Nintendo just released an enhanced version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with all of its DLC on its next console. That’s a discussion for the future, however, as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fans still have years to play one of the best fighting games of all time, with a roster that other titles can only look at it with envy.

Sora will come to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on October 18, 2021.

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Source: Nintendo/YouTube

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