Although fans were sad to see many original Teen Wolf cast members to leave the show at the end of season 3, there were a few who were curious about the newest stars coming in. Introduced in season 5, one of the most memorable characters to be added to the Teen Wolf gallery was Hayden Romero (Victoria Moroles), Beacon Hills’ very own soccer fanatic and werewolf in training.

While Hayden only appeared in 24 episodes, she did end up having a well-written and in-depth arc, ranging from her romance with Liam Dunbar (Dylan Sprayberry), her Beta/Alpha bond with Scott McCall (Tyler Posey), and the mystery surrounding the terrifying Dread Doctors. Sadly, many fans were left disappointed as her character did end up leaving Beacon Hills in the second part of season 6 to protect her sister. With so much potential and many questions left unanswered, the Teen Wolf writers could have given her a spinoff of her own as she had more than proven she would make a great protagonist.


Hayden’s Strong Relationship With Her Sister Had A Fascinating Dynamic

Although Hayden had several significant relationships on Teen Wolf, her most important one was the bond she had with her sister, Deputy Valerie Clark (Benita Robledo). From what the viewers could see, Valerie and Hayden had been extremely close, with their bond only getting stronger after the Deputy became her legal guardian.

Fans always loved watching as they taunted and teased each other over the smallest of things or how they would rush to the other person’s side if they were in danger. If Hayden was made the protagonist of her own show, the viewers could have got a closer look at this relationship, how Valerie would have reacted to the news that her sister was a werewolf, or if they had any struggles with the shift in their relationship after she became Hayden’s guardian.

Focus On How Hayden Adjusted To Her Powers

As one of Scott’s newest Betas, it’s safe to say that Hayden would have had some struggles with adjusting to her new shapeshifting abilities. Since Hayden left Beacon Hills in the second half of season 6, she would have likely struggled a lot more to control these powers as she didn’t have her Alpha or her friends to guide her.

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This would certainly have created an interesting storyline since fans hadn’t seen a character try and adjust to their powers on their own. After all, Scott has been mentored by several of Teen Wolf’s best alphas and he did have Stiles Stilinski (Dylan O’Brien) doing much research too. Assuming that Valerie remains unaware of her sister’s supernatural status, Hayden would have a huge obstacle she would have to achieve by herself.

Hayden’s Origin Story

Although fans knew that Hayden was close to her sister and that Deputy Clark was her legal guardian, not much else is known about the young Beta’s family life. Her parents have never made an appearance (and were never talked about) nor was it explained why Valerie became her guardian in the first place.

If Hayden had been the protagonist of her own show or had remained in Beacon Hills, the writers would have likely delved into this more. Since Hayden had lived in the town since she was a child, it’s possible that her parents could have died because they were attacked by a supernatural entity. However, there’s also the possibility that the two aren’t on good terms with them. Whatever path the writers chose, Hayden’s background could have created some dramatic storylines.

A Supernatural Hunting Squad

With Teen Wolf following Scott’s life from adolescence to adulthood, Hayden’s own show could have followed a similar path and focused on her trying to balance a normal life with her supernatural abilities. However, as she grows older, Hayden could have ended up joining forces with her sister and started up a supernatural hunting squad.

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While there have been many dangerous hunters on Teen Wolf that have given Scott’s pack a lot of trouble, Valerie and Hayden’s faction could have given them a great advantage. With Valerie’s investigative skills and combat experience combined with Hayden’s intelligence and supernatural abilities, the two women could hunt down several terrifying creatures before they reach Beacon Hills (or their new hometown).

Her Relatable Persona

While Scott will forever remain one of the most likable characters on Teen Wolf, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any flaws in his arc. Since Scott was seen to step up his responsibilities from season 2 onwards, it became hard for fans to relate to him since he stopped doing teenage-like things.

On the other hand, Hayden felt a lot more relatable and fitting of the “Teen Wolf” moniker. Fans got to see that Hayden was a great soccer player, saw her act immature and childish, gossip with her friends, and express an interest in her school work. While she did fulfill her supernatural responsibilities from time to time, Hayden’s arc did show that she had room to grow.

Hayden Would Be An Empowering Protagonist

As most of the female characters’ arcs ended with them either being written out or reduced to love interests, it would have been great if one of these young women got a lead role in their own spinoff.

Since Hayden challenged the old and outdated stereotypes by having strong leadership skills, good morals, and a compassionate and caring personality, she would have been the perfect candidate for the role. It’s easy to see how she would have also been a great and empowering role model for teenagers too since Hayden does her best to help and support anyone she can.

Showing The Aftermath Of Her Break-Up With Liam

In the five years that Teen Wolf had been on the air, it was strange to think that there had yet to be a romance between two werewolves considering they were the main species the series focused on. However, the writers finally established one when they paired Hayden up with Liam.

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While Hayden’s romance with Liam played a big part in her arc, the pair eventually broke up after she moved away. Naturally, it would make sense that Hayden would move on with her life but there should be some part that delves into this to provide closure to this storyline (and for Teen Wolf fans).

The Search For A New Pack

Having left just as she was beginning to adjust to her powers, Hayden may have made a mistake in leaving her pack. However, as one of Scott’s more promising pack members, Teen Wolf fans agree that it wouldn’t have taken that long before someone recruited her to another one since she had proven to be an asset.

Not only was she extremely intelligent, but Hayden was also a talented fighter too. She didn’t panic under pressure and would selflessly put her line on the line an innocent or one of her pack members’ lives were in danger. If she had stayed, it wouldn’t have come as a complete surprise if Scott had made her the new leader once he left since she had all the characteristics of being one. Many Teen Wolf fans could see her leading her own pack one day.

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