The sitcom That ’70s Show follows a group of friends living in a suburb in Wisconsin. The show was regarded as absolutely hilarious, but was it really that funny? Upon reexamination, it becomes clear that several aspects of the show might not be so funny today.

In fact, there are certain characters on the show that would be viewed as completely unacceptable. One character that would be heavily scrutinized if the show aired today is Fez, the ‘lovable foreigner’ stereotype that became a part of the gang.

10 The Accent

One of the reoccurring jokes on the show is Fez’s mispronunciation of English. His accent isn’t indicative of any real heritage or background, it just sounds generally unclear. Much of this is due to a lisp that actor Wilmer Valderrama created for the character.

Wilmer has even said in interviews that he intentionally made his accent exaggerated and vague. With the world beginning to appreciate multi-lingual speakers, someone having a ridiculous accent just to laugh at them would not go over well at all.

9 No Real Background

The show made the intentional choice to not share which country Fez was from. This was done so they could have him be an immigrant stereotype without having any real background or history for his character. The conversation surrounding immigrants has begun to shift in the past several years.

People have become more knowledgeable about different cultures and have begun to discuss the importance of acknowledging the heritage of all people. For this reason, making someone an immigrant without giving them a real sense of culture or identity would not go over well.


8 His Name

Fez is regularly referred to as “the foreigner” by his friends. But a little remembered fact is that Fez is not actually his name. After his friends decided they couldn’t pronounce his name, they decided to call him Fez which literally stands for “foreign exchange student.”

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This is super insulting. A name is a big part of a person’s identity and refusing to even try to learn someone’s name and reducing them to where they come from is completely unacceptable.

7 Jokes About Deporting Him

Fez’s friends are constantly making jokes about deporting him. In actuality, deportation is a serious issue. With the current climate surrounding immigrants, many people fear they or someone they care about will be sent back to their country of origin. Fez came to America to make a better life for himself and joking about him losing it all is not funny.

6 “The Darkroom Switch”

This storyline is one of the most disgusting and hated storylines of the whole show. When Kelso wants to break up with his girlfriend Angie, Fez has the perfect solution. His idea? Rape her. He suggests that Kelso begin to have sex with her in a darkroom and halfway through switch out with Fez.

In the wake of the Me Too movement, this storyline would not be well received. Even more troubling is this thought coming from an immigrant as many have been unfairly portrayed as “rapists.”

5 Green Card Marriage

When it seems that Fez will have to move back home, he and Laurie marry to keep him in the country. In truth, getting a green card is not this easy. It is a long extensive process and the couple would need to provide a lot of proof of their relationship.

While green card marriages do something occur, they are now viewed positively and having the show make light of a serious issue would not be well received.

4 Crimes

With a little help from his friends, Fez commits several crimes throughout the show. In addition to the obvious drug-use and his predatory behavior towards women, Fez also vandalizes a water tower and steals a police car. The portrayal of immigrants as criminals has become very controversial.

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While most immigrants are law-abiding citizens, happy for their chance to make a new life for themselves in America, the idea that foreigners are criminals is still pervasive. Continuing to negatively add to the conversation by providing a character that falls into this harmful stereotype would be detrimental to the show.

3 Treatment Towards Women

Fez is a predator. There is a long-running joke about his inability to approach and pursue women, but his behaviors are not simple misunderstandings. There is a reoccurring gag about Fez creepily hiding and watching his friend’s hookup. Them catching him is supposed to be hilarious, but it’s actually a huge violation of privacy.

He also makes blunt and extremely sexually explicit remarks to females, asking them for sexual favors. These comments would be unacceptable in any time of character, but again, like many other points on this list, this narrative adds to an extremely harmful view on immigrants in general.

2 Stupid And Naive

Fez is viewed as unintelligent and naive. Though people whose first language isn’t English may not be as eloquent in their second language as their native tongue, that doesn’t make them stupid. In fact, even being able to communicate in a second language at all is impressive, and it is a skill many Americans do not possess.

To judge someone by their ability to express themselves in a language that isn’t their native tongue and to insinuate that if they aren’t aware of the cultural dynamics in America they are idiotic is just plain unacceptable.

1 Bullying

Fez’s existence is treated as a punchline. He is kept around by his peers so they have someone to tease. Their treatment of Fez is abhorrent. Their constant mocking and harassment of him constitutes bullying. And with the conversations about the importance of standing up to bullies increasingly high profile in America, and the increase in bullying-related deaths, this depiction wouldn’t be allowed on screens today.

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