Books are depth. Books are imagination. Books are descriptions. When books are adapted, hundreds of pages of detail, minute character actions, small moments, and plot points are sacrificed for the sake of fluency in film. The Hunger Games is no exception.

Sometimes it isn’t a bad thing because they aren’t vital points and the films make creative differences that enhance the viewing experience. Hard decisions have to be made concerning what to pass on and what to include. But there are so many things viewers miss out on knowing.

10 He & Katniss Have A Book Of Memories

By the end of Mockingjay, Peeta and Katniss had experienced such harrowing trauma, distress, and witnessed so many deaths, while shedding blood themselves. So Katniss came up with an idea to make a memory book, a book of everyone important, everyone lost, in her and Peeta’s lives. It was based on her father’s plant book, which she and Peeta added to while Katniss was recovering in Catching Fire. In Mockingjay, they filled theirs with drawings and photographs, happy memories, and details that aided Peeta’s memory and provided Katniss with comfort. “Lady licking Prim’s cheek. My father’s laugh. Peeta’s father with the cookies. The color of Finnick’s eyes. What Cinna could do with a length of silk. Boggs reprogramming the Holo. Rue poised on her toes, arms slightly extended, like a bird about to take flight.”

9 He Has A Prosthetic Leg

Peeta didn’t leave the 74th Hunger Games without injury in The Hunger Games novel. In the film, both Peeta and Katniss finish the games relatively unscathed, besides their psychological scarring. But in the novel, Peeta’s left leg is amputated due to the severity of his injuries during the games and The Captiol’s inability to save his leg.

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Instead, they replaced the missing limb with a prosthetic, which Katniss discovers in the company of Caesar. Peeta’s prosthetic limb is mentioned numerous times in Catching Fire when Peeta must once again participate in the 75th Hunger Games as a Victor.


8 Katniss Gives Him Sleep Syrup

When Peeta is injured in the cave during The Hunger Games, he refuses to let Katniss go to the feast and get his medicine. His stubbornness, his insistence that he will follow her, and expose them both gives Haymitch the idea to send a gift to Katniss. It turns out to be sleep syrup. Katniss mixes the serum into some berries and gives it to Peeta. Peeta realizes too late what it is and tries to fight it but eventually succumbs.

7 Peeta Stopping Katniss’s Suicide Attempt Is More Dramatic

During the Second Rebellion, the soldiers of District 13 were provided with nightlock pills in the event of capture. In the Mockingjay novel, Katniss attempts to take a nightlock pill after killing President Coin. She never swallows it though. Why? Because she is prevented by Peeta, not in an emotional sense, but because Peeta physically stopped her from taking the pill. “I raise my left arm and twist my neck down to rip off the pill on my sleeve. Instead my teeth sink into flesh. I yank my head back in confusion to find myself looking into Peeta’s eyes, only now they hold my gaze. Blood runs from the teeth marks on the hand he clamped over my nightlock.”

6 He Makes A Cake For Finnick & Annie’s Wedding

Peeta’s cake decorating and baking were mentioned several times throughout the series. He burned bread on purpose so he could give a starving Katniss food, and used his creative skills to camouflage himself during the 74th Hunger Games.

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One moment that viewers missed but readers were able to enjoy was when Peeta surprised Finnick and Annie with a decorated wedding cake. It was a sign that he was slowly recovering.

5 Peeta’s Dad

In the books, Peeta mentions that his dad once pointed at Katniss and said he had wanted to marry her mother, but she married a man with a beautiful singing voice. Another moment involving Peeta’s father that was excluded from the films was after the reaping. Peeta’s father gave some cookies to Katniss and said he would look after Prim. “I’ll keep an eye on the little girl. Make sure she’s eating.”

4 Peeta Witnessed Darius’s Death

In the novels, there was a character named Darius. He was a young Peacekeeper who Katniss considered a friend. In Catching Fire, Darius tried to intervene during Gale’s lashings and was punished for it by being made an Avox. In Mockingjay, Peeta mentioned that there were two Avoxes with him in prison.

They were tortured and beaten, their limbs cut off, gurgling in response to their interrogation questions. Peeta knew they weren’t being asked for information; they were being beaten so Peeta would witness the injustice and brutality of their deaths.

3 Peeta Can’t Swim

In Catching Fire the film, Peeta leaps off the podium with all the other tributes. He is attacked by another tribute in the water and survives by drowning his attacker. In the book, Peeta is paralyzed when all the other tributes dive into the water and Finnick saves him from the podium despite Katniss’s suspicions. He doesn’t kill another tribute in the water. In fact, he only kills Brutus out of anger.

2 He Is Beaten On Screen

While Peeta is being held captive by The Capitol he is made to attend several interviews which are broadcast for all to see. It is in the final one that he warns Katniss and District 13 about the bombings. He is taken off-screen and the stream cut off.  In the books, he says “And you…in Thirteen…dead by morning!” but isn’t cut off right away, rather he is beaten on-screen, blood spattering for all to see.

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1 He Is Witty & Charming

The Peeta who comes across on the screen is a watered-down version of the Peeta from the novels. He’s still loved and caries forth the essence of sweet and damaged Peeta, but if viewers read the books they would find Peeta more complex and layered, funnier, and well-rounded. A moment of his wit that was left out of the Hunger Games was when he camouflaged himself to survive. He didn’t weakly say hi; he said,  “You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?” and tells her not to step on him.

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