From the first entry, The Matrix franchise has always been known for its groundbreaking action scenes and revolutionary use of bullet time. The latest entry in the series, The Matrix: Resurrections, lives up to this legacy by featuring a number of memorable and visually striking action sequences.

The film effectively balances big group battles such as the climactic swarm sequence with smaller, more intimate fights such as Neo’s one-on-one showdown with Smith, and Morpheus’ training session with Neo. Additionally, the movie also mixes familiar visuals like the recreation of Trinity’s introduction in the first film with things fans have never seen before such as the machines fighting themselves.

8 The Opening

The meta and self-aware film begins with familiar visuals by recreating the opening scene of the first movie. However, it quickly becomes clear that something is different about the scene as it is not Trinity who is being attacked by agents. Bugs follows the action and tries to figure out why the scene is so familiar yet different.

Matrix fans were excited to see how this movie would relate to the original trilogy and this action scene provides the first clue. The scene features the same compelling action that first hooked audiences in 1999, but also tells viewers what to expect from this new film by recreating the iconic scene in order to comment on it and move in a new direction.

7 Morpheus Vs Agents

Following in the footsteps of the great original Matrix trilogy character who serves as his namesake, Morpheus tries to convince Neo that he is in the Matrix as agents close in on them. The agents barge into the office building with explosions and gunfire, eventually resulting in Smith shooting Neo in the head and causing him to wake up in his therapist’s office.

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The scene is a major wake-up call for Neo and pushes him towards his realization that he is living in the Matrix. It is an intentionally chaotic and overwhelming scene that disorients the viewer in order to capture Neo’s perspective.


6 Attack In The Theater

As Neo is deciding between the red pill and the blue pill, the Analyst does all that he can try to keep Neo in the Matrix, including sending agents after him. The agents chase Neo, Bugs, and the group out of the theater and through a portal onto a moving train where a firefight breaks out.

The scene features some of the best close-quarters combat in the film as the group fights agents on the train. It builds to a satisfying conclusion as Neo finally escapes from the Matrix and into the real world.

5 Morpheus Trains Neo

Like his predecessor, Morpheus once again trains Neo in combat, this time attempting to awaken the experience and training that already exists inside him. He pushed Neo as far as he can go, hitting him and encouraging him to fight for Trinity until he finally unlocks his abilities.

Coming nearly an hour into the film, the scene feels like the first time fans really get to see Neo start to return to his former self. More driven by emotion and character than pure action, the scene sees Neo reach his physical limits and dig deep to reach his potential.

4 The Machines Fight Themselves

As Neo adjusts to life outside the Matrix, he receives a quick history from the underrated original Matrix trilogy character, Niobe. As she recaps the last 60 years, she explains that the war against machines has taken an unexpected turn as the machines have begun turning against one another due to limited resources.

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The scene is brief, but a flashback shows the machines against themselves. It is a visually striking sequence that introduces a fascinating concept into the franchise. Depicting the machines as having competing wills and desires is an intriguing and original concept.

3 Neo Vs Smith

When Neo and Bugs’ crew venture back into the Matrix, they are confronted by a group of exiles and Smith, leading to a huge fight that eventually evolves into a one-on-one battle between Neo and Smith.

The film plays with the relationship between Neo and Smith and implies that Neo could not become who is meant to be without Smith. This plays out in their fight as Smith helps push Neo further towards regaining his former form. It is a great duel between two of the film’s most powerful characters, as Neo confronts his greatest villain, intercut with previous moments from their history.

2 Shootout In The Coffee Shop

Betting his own imprisonment, Neo makes one final attempt to save Trinity. When he is able to help her remember the truth, the Analyst turns on them and they must fight off a wave of programs at the coffee shop. Smith steps in as an unlikely ally and helps them defeat the Analyst.

Getting to see Neo and Smith fight side by side is an especially memorable moment for fans, even if it is only for this one battle. Additionally, Trinity finally gets to be part of the action and immediately reminds viewers why she is such an important part of the franchise.

1 Neo And Trinity Take On The Swarm

As a last-ditch effort to stop Neo and Trinity, the Analyst initiates the swarm, sending every program in the Matrix after them. Neo and Trinity fight their way through the swarm, including people who throw themselves off of buildings like human bombs, and make their way to a rooftop where they jump and unlock the ability to fly.

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The sequence is easily the biggest and best action scene in the film, featuring incredible visuals and interesting concepts. The scale of the fight is truly impressive and illustrates the power that Neo and Trinity possess when they are together. The film is as much about Trinity’s evolution as it is about Neo’s, making the visual of her flying incredibly satisfying.

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