Though reading a book and watching a film (or series) based upon said beloved book is a truly rewarding and enjoyable experience, dissecting the characters and trying to figure out their core motivations in order to further understand their role in the plot is far more entertaining than simply observing the media on its own.

And one of the best ways to dissect a character is by using personality typing systems such as the Myers-Briggs® typing system. This typing system claims that every person falls into one of sixteen different categories that summarize who they are as people. Today we will be sorting the characters from the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice into their proper Myers-Briggs® category.

8 Mrs. Bennet- ESTJ

ESTJ types are traditionally focused people. They believe that following the established traditions laid out by those who came before us is the best way to live and seek to uphold such traditions with their own lives.

Mrs Bennet, a woman who is trying to force all of her daughters into beneficial marriages (whether they want to be married or not) is the picture of a fixation on tradition. Though we do have the empathize with her motivations for doing so. In this time, a profitable marriage was the only way that she could be sure that her daughters would be okay and looked after as they aged. Being an unmarried woman in her twenties was risky and could lead to a rather rough life. She was just trying to protect her children, even if she did go about it the wrong way.

7 Mr. Bennet- ISFJ

ISFJ types are known for their warm and kind hearts. They have the ability to see where other people are coming from and truly empathize with their struggles and are truly considerate of their feelings.

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Mr. Bennet, though gruff at times, is famous for being the one person in the Bennet family that understands what Lizzie wants and who stands up to Mrs Bennet’s attempts to force Elizabeth into a lifestyle that would suffocate her.


6 Mr. Darcy- INTP

INTP’s are the logical types. They pride themselves on their ability to read people and see through the mask that many present whilst in public. They know when people are lying to them and have very little patience for the more mundane aspects of society and social interaction.

This is the perfect type for Mr. Darcy. Though it does not touch on the more awkward side of his character, it does fully explain his tendency to write off people shortly after meeting them and his distaste for social events. Though it is important to note that Mr. Darcy is not always correct with his initial judgments and some people do require a second look.

5 Elizabeth- INFJ

INFJ’s are known for their idealistic nature and the depth through which they see the world. These types of people believe that there is more to everything and everyone than meets the eye and that it is their job to uncover it. They are often seen as rather unconventional when compared to others.

Though stubborn, Elizabeth is known for her belief that there is more to people than they let on and that is exactly what frustrates her about the people around her. She wants them to make all sides of themselves known and is rather annoyed when people fail to see all sides of her as well.

4 Jane- ENFJ

ENFJ’s are known for their ability to connect with everyone, their optimistic and idealistic nature, and their ability to make everyone feel seen and heard when interacting with them.

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Jane is an absolute delight. She is the light of every room in which she enters. Which is the precise reason why she would be a perfect ENFJ. She is the tender heart of the series and is known for her ability to bring out the best in those around her.

3 Charles Bingley- ISFP

ISFP’s are known for their shy natures. Though they are truly the best friend one could ever have once they get to know someone, they can be rather unsure and awkward during initial introductions.

Though we love Charles, we do have to note that his initial moments with his preferred Bennet sister were not the warmest. And it was these awkward moments that gave Darcy the ability to convince him otherwise and pull him away. But once everything was cleared up, he became one of the kindest characters in the series.

2 Lydia- ESTP

Those who fall under the ESTP type are known for their commitment to the moment (and a tendency to not be concerned with what comes after said moment.) They tend to focus on their plans, without spending much time worrying themselves with the consequences of their actions (or the second step of their plan.)

Lydia fits this impulsive and unbothered definition of the ESTP type perfectly. She does several things throughout the series that show a clear indication of a lack of consideration for the consequences that follow said actions and we will admit that it does vex us at times.

1 Mr Wickham- ISTP

Those belonging to the ISTP type are known for their unpredictable nature and their ability to conceal certain parts of their identity if they so choose. They can confuse the people around them because of this as they are likely to not act in the way that people might expect.

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This type seems perfect for Mr Wickham as his entire story arc is built up around his ability to never do or be what Elizabeth expects him to (much to her and her families detriment.) Though it is important to note that there are no “good” or “bad” types within the Myers-Briggs® typing system. He is not an ISTP because he is a villain, he is an ISTP because he fits the traits that define the type.

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