One of the greatest debates among The Vampire Diaries fan base is Stelena versus Delena, the pairing of Stefan and Elena versus Damon and Elena, respectively. Both relationships bring an epic love story to the forefront between Elena Gilbert and the Salvatore brothers.

In the end, only one brother could get the girl. Elena struggled between her two loves for a long time before finally settling down with Damon. As Katherine once told her, “You can love both.” That’s what Elena did, but in different ways over time. Here are five reasons Stelena should have happened, and five why it was Delena.

10 STELENA: Stefan Respected Elena’s Choices

From the get-go, Stefan had the utmost respect for Elena and her choices. He always allowed her space to decide for herself what was best. Well, not always.

In the beginning, when she first found out he was a vampire, he tried to push her away, claiming it was too dangerous. But she firmly stated that if he walked away it would be for himself because she had made up her mind. After that, he always trusted Elena knew what was best for herself.

9 DELENA: More Passion and Danger

While Stefan offered Elena a sense of safety and stability, Damon gave her danger and passion. He allowed Elena the freedom to explore who she was regardless of morality. He sparked a passion in her that let her get in touch with her inner bad girl.

Damon and Elena had a lot of fun together, and he never judged her for it. Because of Damon, Elena understood the allure of Katherine without ever becoming evil like her. Not to mention, their physical intimacy always seemed to burn red hot.


8 STELENA: Easier Communication Between Them

Whether they were lovers or platonic, Stefan and Elena talked about everything like friends. Stefan didn’t shy away from hard emotions and expressed himself honestly with Elena. Likewise, even when things were hard to admit, Elena spoke candidly about her feelings with Stefan.

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Even after they broke up and she started dating his brother, they grew to a place of camaraderie that allowed open lines of communication. That meant they always trusted one another. Stefan and Elena’s greatest strength in their relationship was friendship.

7 DELENA: Damon Allowed Elena to Indulge Her Dark Side

Hand in hand with danger and passion, Damon gave Elena a taste of the dark side. He showed her that darkness didn’t have to equate to evil. It just meant living a life free of guilt and shame. He reveled in being a vampire and showed her how to harness that power for her own means.

Some would call it selfish, but Damon never saw the problem in Elena being a little selfish. Everyone deserved to find happiness without strings attached. He just wanted Elena to embrace that power.

6 STELENA: He Truly Considered What Elena Wanted

When Elena was faced with turning into a vampire because of Damon’s selfish actions, he gave her the time and space to admit that. She didn’t want to hurt him by saying it, but he knew she never wanted a life of immortality.

Stefan always took her desires into consideration, even if that meant his feelings might be hurt, making him truly selfless. When Elena and Matt crashed on Wickery Bridge, Elena insisted Stefan save her friend, thus sacrificing herself. Stefan did as she asked, knowing he might not see her again.

5 DELENA: Elena Made Damon the Best Version of Himself

While Damon taught Elena how to embrace the dark, she taught him how to embrace the light. Damon brought out her wild side while she tempered his impulses and showed him how to think of others. The yin and yang dynamic of their relationship is what made them the perfect couple.

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Elena made Damon want to be a better man. Her love showed Damon that he didn’t have to push others away with acts of violence. Without that foundation, Damon never would have built such strong friendships with Alaric, Liz, and Bonnie.

4 STELENA: Elena Allowed Stefan to Forgive Himself

Stefan Salvatore was the ultimate martyr throughout the TVD series. He tried so hard to be the hero that he often was his own worst critic when he messed up. Becoming the Ripper was never Stefan’s finest moment, but he always felt remorse and tried to make amends.

Throughout the show, Stefan battled his darker self and every time he thought he was beyond redemption, Elena stood by his side to let him know he wasn’t. She always believed the best in Stefan and made him believe, too.

3 DELENA: Elena Fell in Love With Damon While Still With Stefan

Even though Stefan left Mystic Falls and became the Ripper to gallivant with Klaus, after the original vampire threatened everyone, of course, he and Elena were still a couple. But while Stefan was off playing murderer, Elena searched for him alongside his brother Damon.

It was that summer together that they grew close and Elena realized she was in love with Damon. She didn’t want to admit it, but everyone around them knew, from Alaric to Caroline. Falling for Damon while trying to save Stefan meant her bond with the older Salvatore was stronger.

2 STELENA: Destiny

The progenitors of the doppelganger bloodlines Silas and Amara fell in love back in ancient times. Throughout history, the doppelgangers had a habit of being drawn to one another. Qetsiyah claimed it was why Stefan was drawn to Katherine and then later Elena.

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She taunted Damon with the idea that he and Elena were doomed because of destiny. Elena didn’t believe in destiny, but it was hard to ignore the fact that her and Stefan’s doppelgangers always found their way to one another no matter what time or place in the world they were.

1 DELENA: They Always Came Back to Each Other

Even though Damon became a better man with Elena’s love, that didn’t stop him from being impulsive or making mistakes. Every time he snapped a neck he shouldn’t have and he repented, Elena found a way to forgive him. When Damon realized he had power over her through their sire bond, he tried to push her away.

But she came back all the same. Destiny might have called to Stefan and Elena, but Elena chose Damon instead. In The Vampire Diaries, choice was everything.

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