One third of the Twilight’s central love triangle, Jacob Black is easily the sassiest character in the popular teen franchise. Throughout the series of Twilight films, he constantly makes comments and jabs at other characters that show just how much attitude he really has.

Unlike most characters that are sassy, Jacob also has the ability to be totally aggressive and hostile. He begins sassy ,but can very easily fly into a rage if he’s pushed far enough. And these are 10 sassy quotes that Jacob makes in those moments when he’s not fuming with fury or transforming into a wolf.

10 “No, You’re Just A Harmless Cullen.”

Through the Twilight franchise, Jacob Black never hides how much he despises the Cullens. Even though they come to be friends by Breaking Dawn, and Jacob even imprints on a Cullen in the end, it takes him a lot of effort to even be civil towards Bella’s new family.

Comments like this, packed with sarcasm, show how sassy Jacob really is, especially when dealing with vampires.

9 “Don’t Get Me Upset … Or Things Are Going To Get Very Ugly.”

Other than Edward, the Cullen that Jacob clashes the most with is Alice. In New Moon, the two get into a verbal scuffle when they’re both trying to protect Bella from Victoria, and Alice pushes Jacob’s buttons by referring to his pack as “mutts”.

This quote from Jacob is half-sassy, half downright aggressive, because viewers know that things could very well get ugly given Jacob’s ability to transform into a wolf.


8 “Feeling Sick? Maybe You Need To Go To The Hospital.”

Around the time that Jacob first joins Sam’s pack and adjusts to the changes he’s going through, he’s particularly edgy. Most of the time, his sarcasm is aimed towards the Cullens, but in New Moon, he even loses his temper with Bella’s friend Mike when the three of them end up on the world’s most awkward date.

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Jacob follows this sass with something a little more aggressive: “Do you want me to put you in the hospital?”

7 “What A Marshmallow.”

Comments that Jacob makes like this, referring to Mike as a marshmallow because the violent movie they see is too gory for him, are very characteristic of the young wolf.

Although at times he can be more antagonistic and hostile, there are also times like these, when he’s just content with making snide remarks instead of open threats.

6 “Age Is Just A Number Baby.”

Jacob might be lacking in emotional intelligence, but he’s not lacking in confidence. His efforts to flirt with Bella are intense, even when he doesn’t realize he’s flirting.

When Bella puts it out there that he looks pretty buff for a 16-year-old, Jacob responds with, “Age is just a number, baby.” It doesn’t get much sassier than that!

5 “I Gotta Go. I’ve Got A Vampire To Kill.”

Once Jacob adjusts to being a wolf, he has no fear of anything. Not even vampires. The way he casually announces that he’s off to kill one, as though it’s not a risk to his life, reinforces that Jacob is probably a little bit cocky.

That said, he does have the skills and the strength to back it up. Audiences can see that he talks the talk and walks the walk.

4  “You’ll Warm Up Soon. Faster If You Took Your Clothes Off.”

Jacob is serious about protecting Bella from the newborn vampires that are coming after her. But he’s never quite serious enough that he can resist making jokes, or flirting with her, even if he is right under Edward’s nose.

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When Jacob has to use his body heat to warm Bella up, of course, he thinks it’s appropriate to suggest this piece of helpful advice. This is definitely one of those scenes that makes fans cringe.

3 “You Think I’m Sorta Beautiful?”

One of the biggest criticisms of Jacob is that he doesn’t take no for an answer when Bella shows him that she’s not romantically interested in him like she is in Edward.

Up until she marries Edward, he’s constantly trying to turn their friendship into something more, and this line highlights one of his attempts. Bella herself does say he’s beautiful first, but he doesn’t let her forget it.

2 “Wow. Scrap Metal.”

Jacob Black really is the king of sarcasm, which many fans don’t like about him. When Bella shows up to help him work on his bike, he doesn’t sugarcoat how un-excited he is to see that she brought him scrap metal.

Even though Jacob reserves his sassiest moments for people he hates, like the Cullens, Bella isn’t totally safe from his attitude. Luckily for Jacob, his sass never turns her off him.

1 “Let’s Face It. I Am Hotter Than You.”

The sassiest line to come out of Jacob’s mouth, without a doubt, is when he tells Edward plainly and simply that he is hotter than him. In context, he says it because he is literally a higher temperature than Edward and is more capable of protecting Bella from the freezing weather.

But audiences know what he really means. He’s really saying it to remind Edward that he’s more attractive (although Team Edward fans would disagree).

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