A Valheim player’s attempt at in-game boat sledding has ended in disaster. The massively popular Viking-themed sandbox survival game allows players to do quite a number of creative and interesting things, some of which involve the game’s boats. While some players think of some fairly ingenious things to do with Valheim’s boats, others come up with simpler albeit very useful ideas such as a faster way to get boats in and out of their docks.

The base game of Valheim currently only has three types of boats available – the Raft, Karve, and the Viking-signature Longship. For the most part, the high-end Longship is more than enough for players to get through and survive the game, but one player decided that they wanted to add one more boat to that list by creating a massive wood replica of the famous German Bismarck battleship in Valheim, which includes not only its four signature gun turrets but also smaller details such as lifeboats and a small airplane. It’s just one of the many creative ideas players are able to accomplish in the game.


A Reddit user named u/DragonPixelss shared their disastrous-yet-simultaneously hilarious attempt at boat sledding on the Valheim subreddit. The video starts off with u/DragonPixelss on a boat that’s secured to a wooden ramp which is situated on top of a mountain. They then release the boat, which subsequently begins flying down the mountain. Unfortunately, less than a second after the boat leaves the ramp, it starts to pitch forward, and when the rear of the boat grazes part of the mountain the bow slams into the ground and boat flips forward, throwing u/DragonPixelss down the slope to their death. On the bright side, the Valheim boat still makes it all the way to the bottom of the mountain in the adjacent river.

It’s not all that surprising this Valheim boat sledding attempt went the way it did, in spite of how well-prepared the boat and the ramp were, as the slope itself was pretty rocky and uneven, which led to the ensuing disaster. Several other players found a different and more effective way to transport their boats from the top of a mountain to the waters below by creating a roller coaster track in Valheim that sends boats on a wild ride down a mountain’s slope.

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There’s probably some way to make boat sledding work in the game if a smoother, more snow-covered slope is found, although the risk involved with sending a boat down a rocky slope can definitely lead to a lot more hilarious Valheim moments.

Source: u/DragonPixelss/Reddit

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