An unexpectedly enormous box office hit, Sony’s Venom solo movie gets a surprisingly positive Honest Trailer treatment from Screen Junkies. It’s almost funny in retrospect how concerned some people were about whether the idea of telling a Venom origin story that didn’t include Spider-Man would work out. Granted, Venom wasn’t exactly embraced by critics, but general audiences worldwide happily bought tickets to see the symbiote antihero wreak havoc in San Francisco, leading to an extremely impressive box office take.

As of this writing, Venom’s worldwide gross sits at $855.2 million, enough to make Sony’s effort the fifth-highest-grossing film of 2018. A big part of that massive success is due to Venom taking off like a rocket in China, hauling in $270.6 million from that country alone. With a reported budget of $100 million, Venom is at this point a profit machine for Sony, likely making the studio very happy it pressed forward with the project, despite the widespread fan skepticism that surrounded it. It turns out Venom doesn’t need Peter Parker’s help to dominate theaters.


Related: How Venom Became The Biggest Box Office Surprise of 2018

Screen Junkies today released its Honest Trailer for Venom, and that choice isn’t surprising, as Venom seemed like an obvious target for Honest Trailers’ usual brand of snarky commentary. While there’s definitely a good amount of that present, some observers might be surprised to see just how positive the Honest Trailers appraisal of Venom actually is. Along the way, many questions are posed, including whether or not Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is a cannibal, due to Venom physically eating people. Check out the full video below.

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The question of whether Eddie Brock is a cannibal or not isn’t one that’s easily answered. After all, Eddie doesn’t eat people, Venom does. While Venom inhabits Eddie’s body, once he takes over, Eddie isn’t really in much position to stop Venom from munching on other humans. The best agreement they manage to reach by the end of the film is that Venom is no longer allowed to make a snack out of anyone not specially deemed a bad guy. So, does that mean Eddie now knows what human flesh tastes like? It’s certainly possible.

Other amusing or interesting bits in the Honest Trailer include the narrator making it clear that he’s a dedicated Symbrock shipper, and at one point appearing to enjoy the famous kiss between Eddie and She-Venom way more than anyone probably should. Then again, love comes in many forms, so maybe Eddie and Venom’s romantic connection will be made explicit onscreen in the inevitable sequel. The Honest Trailer also expresses annoyance at Venom’s lack of an R-rating – a complaint echoed by many fans – and the amount of boring science jargon that gets in the way of a mostly entertaining movie full of action and charm.

More: Screen Rant’s Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2018

Source: Screen Junkies

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