The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2 has confirmed a theory about the Civic Republic that was first introduced in season 1. Nearly halfway through its second season, World Beyond has been peeling back the curtain on the Civic Republic – the large, militaristic community whose soldiers have been popping up across The Walking Dead shows for years now. There are still a lot of unknowns about the group – like the location of the Civic Republic’s main settlement – but the teens on World Beyond have learned more about them than just about anyone else.

Hope, for instance, has seen firsthand how the Civic Republic Military is running a research center where scientists are studying walkers, trying to understand what caused the outbreak and develop a cure. Meanwhile, Iris cannot bring herself to trust the CRM at all, convinced they are responsible for the destruction of Omaha and Campus Colony. Silas is stationed at a decontamination center, working alongside others to clear out zombies in the hope the CRM can one day reclaim more land. His experience hasn’t been entirely positive, but he’s been shown another perspective on the CRM’s goals by the people who believe in what they’re doing. Elton, on the other hand, hasn’t seen much of the CRM beyond Huck’s betrayal in season 1, but World Beyond season 2 has at least confirmed a theory he initially had about them.


In The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 1, episode 4 “The Wrong End of a Telescope”, Elton theorizes that the reason no one knows the location of the Civic Republic is because it is located underground. He doesn’t stick with this theory for long, however, as he quickly realizes they’d need above-ground space for things like growing crops, and their helicopters need somewhere to take off from. The small peek at the Civic Republic in World Beyond season 1, episode 3 “The Tyger and the Lamb” backs this up, too, with the glimpse seen outside General Kublek’s apartment clearly showing an above-ground city. And yet, The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2 has confirmed Elton wasn’t entirely off base either. The Civic Republic’s research facility is underground, repurposing a government facility in Ithaca, New York. This location isn’t their main settlement, but as it’s a type of facility the CRM sought out, it’s possible a portion of their main settlement could also be underground. This would help keep their true size hidden and potentially make it harder to locate altogether.

The more that’s revealed about the Civic Republic, the more it seems the community was founded by surviving officials of the U.S. government. This would help explain the resources they’ve amassed and the personnel they employ with military backgrounds. If the Civic Republic is what remains of the U.S. government, it would also help explain how they knew about the underground facility in the first place. The Ithaca facility was originally a government-funded research lab for experiments in dark matter and neutrino physics, so it’s unlikely many outside of the government knew all it would offer.

When it comes to the Civic Republic’s main settlement, it could also be located in New York since it’d make sense to stay nearby such an important research facility. Then again, the Civic Republic’s helicopters allow them to travel great distances fairly easily, and that could place the main community almost anywhere in the continental U.S. For example, if the Civic Republic’s main settlement is also somewhere with access to underground facilities, then a former government base in a state like South Dakota or Montana are potential spots. These states are where the U.S. government has in the past housed missile silos, which are often in undisclosed locations and found underground, making them perfect for a “hidden city”. Such a location would also place them near their Alliance of Three allies in Nebraska and Oregon.

For as much as has been revealed about the Civic Republic in The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2, their location remains a mystery. Elton’s underground theory could still be at least partially true, though. The main settlement of the Civic Republic can’t be entirely underground, but it would make sense for some portion of it to be, giving them added security and cover from prying eyes.

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