What We Do in the Shadows has become one of the best comedic takes on the horror genre, and season 2 is already having fun with vampire staples, as is referenced by Nadja and Laszlo’s many familiars.

What We Do in the Shadows is a very successful adaptation of the popular Taika Waititi film of the same name that explores a group of vampires’ ability to exist in a modern Staten Island community. The show’s first season is packed with entertaining perspectives on traditional vampire ideas and the series works had to flesh out its eccentric universe. These characters are also brought to life with a phenomenal cast of comedic talent who make vampires funny in a way that they’ve seldom been before.


Season 2 of What We Do in the Shadows takes place shortly after the events of the first season, and there’s a small bit of catching up that needs to be done with the audience. These vampires still have their sights set on a gradual takeover of the community, but they encounter new obstacles in season 2, and have many threats in their way, both familiar faces and new alike. One big area that’s changed a lot between seasons is Laszlo and Nadja’s ability to maintain a familiar. It’s revealed that they’ve gone through quite a few bodies in this interim time.

What Happened To All Of Nadja And Laszlo’s Familiars

Najda and Laszlo confess that they’ve actually had seven different familiars over the course of the summer, all of whom have met unfortunately morbid deaths. Many of these accidents are outlined by the two of them for comedic effect. The first falls down from a tree and gets impaled on his way down. Another plummets down a well. One of them gets curious with an old musket and shoots themselves in the face. A female familiar isn’t careful enough around candles, and lights herself on fire in the process. Finally, one familiar seems to have gone through some vicious kind of poisoning since his intestines end up leaving his body.

These seven losses discourage Laszlo and Nadja, but they once again become hopeful when they decide to settle on Topher Delmonico, a sophisticated and respectable familiar, who is played by Haley Joel Osment. He brings a certain exuberance to his position that rubs some people, like Guillermo, the wrong way, but soon he becomes casualty number eight after he accidentally electrocutes himself by the koi pond.

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Topher’s untimely death leads to an unsuccessful foray into necromancy. Topher temporarily resumes his duties, albeit as a zombie, but he soon has to exit the picture due to the problems he’s causing. The season premiere of What We Do in the Shadows shows that Laszlo and Nadja have had some major struggles with their familiars, but it remains to be seen if they’ll continue to seek out someone new to fill the role, or if they’ll be content enough with Guillermo’s presence in the house.

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