Despite being equally as strong in the Force, one innately Sith ability that Jedi in the Star Wars franchise do not wield is Force lightning. First introduced when Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) electrocuted Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Force lightning is a powerful weapon for Sith. To create it, Sith must harness energy from the Force and then channel it down their arms, allowing them to shoot electricity out of their hands and fingers.

However, it is rare to see Jedi use any power similar to this. For example, Yoda was able to summon lightning in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, using it to strike and burn down the Tree Library on Ahch-To that Luke wrongly believed held the sacred Jedi texts. However, Yoda did not produce this lightning himself, instead pulling it from the environment. Rather than generate Force lightning themselves, Jedi find ways to counteract it by blocking it with their lightsabers or even absorbing it with the light side of the Force. Again, Yoda is the best example of this, having absorbed Darth Sidious’ Force lightning with his hands during their final duel in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.


Aside from Rey’s accidental use of Force lightning in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, no Jedi ever produces Force lightning in the Skywalker Saga. However, this is not because the skill is too difficult for Jedi to learn. Instead, Jedi refrain from using Force lightning because it not only requires calling upon the dark side of the Force, but also because it is often seen as immoral.

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One reason that Jedi do not use Force lightning is that a Force user must draw upon the dark side and their negative emotions to create it. Sith generate electricity from the Force by channeling their hatred and aggression. According to the book Star Wars: Darth Plagueis—which tells the story of the Sith Lord before he was killed by his own apprentice, Darth Sidious—Jedi can learn to mimic Sith lightning powers. However, they can never truly learn the skill to its full strength due to being too compassionate.

This contributed to making Rey’s use of Force lightning shocking. She not only destroyed a shuttle, which she had believed Chewbacca to be in, but showed that she had been letting her negative emotions fuel her. This meant that she had been unintentionally calling upon the dark side of the Force. Narratively, it also foreshadowed her lineage, as Rey was later revealed to be the granddaughter of Darth Sidious.

In addition, most Jedi refuse to use Force lightning because they believe it is immoral. While other Force powers, such as telekinesis, sensing, and levitation, can be used to help others or in self-defense, Force lightning is solely an offensive weapon. Typically, Sith use Force lightning to torture, disfigure, and even kill people. Due to this, most Jedi Councils banned the use of Force lightning, viewing it as inherently evil. Overall, although Star Wars’ Jedi do not lack the skill or connection with the Force necessary to produce Force lightning, they choose not to use that power, unlike Sith, due to their morals and devotion to the light side of the Force.

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