The Metal Gear Solid franchise has become well-known for its twists and narrative diversions through each subsequent installment. The franchise’s prequel title, Metal Gear Solid 3, is perhaps one of the best examples of this within the series as the game sets the table for the events to come down the line. The main gameplay and plot of the series revolve around stealth and infiltration, but there is no point in the franchise where the espionage elements come to the forefront more than Metal Gear Solid 3.

Metal Gear Solid 3 serves as a prequel to the franchise set chronologically at the earliest point in the series’s timeline. Through the eyes of Naked Snake, the player witnesses events unfold that would ultimately lead to define the motivations of characters as far as decades into the future of the timeline. The game weaves a story together that lays the foundation of the conflict to come between Big Boss and Zero while firmly placing each of its characters in a particular role and side on the conflict. No scene better demonstrates the importance of each character than MGS3‘s interrogation scene.


MGS3 sees Naked Snake on an infiltration mission through the military base of Groznyj Grad operated under the leadership of Colonel Volgin. Snake disguises himself as Volgin’s Major and second-in-command, but the disguise fails due to Volgin’s familiarity with him. This turn of events results in Snake being captured and interrogated by Volgin as he questions what he and the CIA were after. The scene plays out with three of Volgin’s most trusted officers in the room with him, but players discover during the course of the game that none of the three officers had Volgin’s best interests in mind.

Metal Gear Solid 3’s War From Many Fronts

Throughout the game, Naked Snake remained in contact with a person named EVA, a female operative who acted as a spy for the KGB in order to uncover Volgin’s plot. To gain information, she posed as the lover of Sokolov, the scientist who was forced into building Volgin’s ultimate weapon, the Shagohod. She went by the name Tatyana when acting under this guise as she continued to work with Sokolov to siphon intelligence from Volgin regarding the Philosophers’ Legacy, a group fund of $100 billion that was intended to be split amongst China, the United States, and Russia after World War 2.

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Volgin’s capture and subsequent torture of Snake sees his arrogance blind his judgment as he divulges the details of the Legacy’s location amongst the parties in the room, revealing that he himself had laid claim to the microfilm that contained its records. This moment gives EVA and Snake information that both parties were looking for under the assumption that Snake would not escape and everyone else in the room could be trusted with this knowledge. However, as Volgin continues to interrogate and torture Snake, Snake’s transmitter falls out, shifting suspicion to Snake’s former mentor.

Metal Gear Solid 3 – Snake & The Boss

The game begins with Snake and The Boss engaging in what was known as The Virtuous Mission, where The Boss’s defection to the Soviet Union sets in motion the events of the game’s main story in Operation Snake Eater. After sparking tension between the Soviet Union and the United States by using an American nuclear weapon on Russian soil, The Boss effectively hands Volgin Sokolov as his new weapons maker. Through the game, Volgin expresses some slight tension with The Boss due to her history with her protégé Snake, and the transmitter falling out of Snake’s pocket results in his suspicion being sparked in full.

The Boss denies her involvement, resulting in Volgin demanding she prove her loyalty by taking one of Snake’s eyes. As The Boss steps forward, her hesitation makes Volgin even more suspicious of her actions before EVA steps forward, causing Volgin’s suspicions to fall back on her instead. In addition to Volgin’s own suspicions, EVA’s actions drew the attention of the third member of Volgin’s unit in the room: Major Ocelot.

Metal Gear Solid 3- Putting the Pieces Together

Ocelot had become acquainted with Snake through the course of the game with one such encounter directly resulting in Ocelot’s usage of revolvers through the rest of the game and series. It was during EVA’s objection to Volgin’s demand that Ocelot made his presence known, noting his own suspicion of her intentions and subjecting her to a game of Russian Roulette with his twin revolvers. Seeing this, Snake swings from his position and saves EVA, losing his eye in the process from the muzzle flash of an errant shot. In frustration, The Boss slaps Ocelot across the face as Volgin leaves the room. It is when Volgin leaves that all of the pieces begin to fall into place.

Volgin’s departure leaves the four in the room on their own, as Ocelot reclaims Snake’s transmitter and replants it into one of Snake’s wounds before dropping a revolver on his way out. The Boss retrieves the revolver and loads it with a fake death pill before shooting Snake in the leg with it and giving him the gun. Lastly, EVA reveals her identity to Snake for the first time, giving him a path out of the prison and freeing him while she makes her escape. It is at this moment that players may be wondering the intentions of everyone in that room, but it is only by the end of the game that everything makes itself known.

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The ending of the game reveals that both The Boss and Ocelot, now revealed to be her son, had been truly working for the CIA in an effort to reclaim the Legacy for the United States. In a conversation with the CIA Director during the finale, Ocelot also reveals that EVA was acting as a triple-agent as a spy for the Chinese government as Ocelot ensured her copy of the Legacy was a fake, resulting in her expulsion. The Boss had also trusted EVA enough to explain a portion of her mission, making EVA and Ocelot promise not to kill Snake throughout the course of Operation Snake Eater. Through this promise, Volgin’s interrogation of Snake resulted in every other person in the room having Snake’s survival and well-being in mind.

Players familiar with Kojima’s history of Easter eggs will be able to catch one early clue to the true allegiances involved. MGS3 features numerous points where pressing the R1/RB button will put the player in Snake’s point of view during cinematics. While most of these moments are indicated, there are several that are left hidden for the player to find themselves. Pressing the button prompt after the torture has finished and Ocelot has left the room allows the player to witness The Boss saluting Ocelot with his signature pose on his way out, an indication of The Boss’s approval for the plan’s execution.

Initially, Naked Snake’s torture at the hands of Volgin plays as a typical sequence in Metal Gear Solid history due to the franchise’s near-tradition of including a torture scene for the player to survive. The use of the trope in Metal Gear Solid 3, however, stands as perhaps one of the franchise’s finest moments of storytelling by the time the credits roll as the numerous revelations through the game’s finale paint the scene in a new light. As a series known for its twists and turns, Metal Gear Solid manages to weave together the numerous twists in its prequel into one scene, but players will be kept waiting until the credits roll to realize it all.

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