World of Horror is a 1-bit horror game that deals with Lovecraftian themes and grotesque imagery. Taking creative inspiration from manga-artist Junji Ito, the game itself is a homage to cosmic horror and the unsettling feelings it can inspire. With the setting being in Shiokawa, Japan, the game hosts several mysteries that the player can pursue and potentially solve.

Solving one of these mysteries leads to a mystery ending, some of which can have different variations. So below is a guide on how to access them. Keep in mind that since World of Horror is an early access game, some of these entries may be subject to change. Also note that while this article does not go over the content of the endings themselves, this guide will contain spoilers on how to achieve them.


Alarming Account of Abnormal Arms

Points of Interest: Apartments, Downtown, Hospital (Side-Quest), Boiler Room (Target Location)

Side Quest: Investigate the hospital location twice to complete the quest. It will add a ‘tiny key’ in the boiler room, which can be used in other parts of the game.

Main Investigation:

The mystery is about finding a killer who strangled a woman. There was no sign of forced entry and the apartment itself remains vacant. When investigating the woman’s apartment, the payer will note how the apartment door was closed and remember that the woman lived alone. When comparing the apartment with other flats downtown, the player character eliminates the possibility of the perpetrator exiting from the window due to how the apartment is on the third floor.

Going back to the apartments and investigating, the player will notice the ventilation shafts and should begin interviewing the neighbors. Eventually, the player should learn about one neighbor complaining about missing underwear, and another complaining about suspicious noises coming from the vents. At this point, the player character wants to check the building plans to see where all of the vents connect. Do so, and the player will be able to access the boiler room.

Ending A (Pervert): The only ending. The player enters the boiler room, turns on the light, and discovers the dead body of the pervert with exceptionally long arms. If the player completed the side quest, a tiny key will be found inside his mouth.

Chilling Chronicle of a Crimson Cape

Points of Interest: School, Schoolyard (Side-Quest), Downtown, Hospital, Cursed Toilet (Target Location)

Side Quest (The Man In a Red Cape): Go to school and enter the schoolyard. Learn about the latest gossip until the player hears about how the player should refuse anything Aka Manto offers.

Main Investigation:

Dealing with a school dare where students stay in the unused school restroom after class to attract Aka Manto, the dare took a deadly turn when the body of a boy was found. With the dare having newfound popularity, one of the player’s friends says he intends to try the dare. Go to the school and report his future actions to the principal, who will try to prevent him from partaking in the dangerous dare.

The player should head downtown and begin investigating Aka Manto in the city’s library. While there, the player should learn about a young doctor who performed surgery on a victim of a brutal assault. Heading toward the hospital, it will be revealed that the doctor left the hospital and took all records with him. But that’s not all. Another body has been found at the school and the player’s friend did not arrive at school….so much for the principal’s help.

Go back to the school and make it past the guards who are trying to clear the area for an investigation. Do so and the player will immediately head to the third floor where the cursed toilet is found. Upon waiting in the stall, the player will hear a man approaching and begin preparing themselves. The man will then ask if you would like red or blue paper. The player can choose one of the paper colors or, if the side quest was completed, refuse to take anything.

Ending A (Red Coat (Thing)): This is triggered if the player completed the side quest and chooses to accept nothing from Aka Manto. The player will then have to defeat him while he is in his true form. The player will not gain the crestfallen mask.

Ending B (Red Coat (Man)): This is triggered if the player chooses either the red or blue paper. This will make Aka Manto deal damage to the player. Defeat Aka Manto in his default form and gain the “crestfallen mask”.

Special Bad Ending: Is achieved if the player fights Aka Manto in his true form and has either their stamina or reason reach zero.

Curious Case of a Contagious Coma

Points of Interest: Downtown, Hospital, School, Quarantine Wing (Target Location), Village (Side-Quest)

Side Quest (Patient Zero): Investigate the village location twice to complete this quest. At some point, the player should encounter an old man and gain an item called the “dust of seeing”, which he claims will help the player understand the illness.

Main Investigation:

As the name suggests, this mystery deals with a recent phenomenon where people who try to awaken a comatose person become comatose themselves. It has gotten so bad that the hospital now has an entire wing filled with these ‘contagious’ comatose people.

The player starts the investigation by reviewing the news reports at school. Eventually, the player will discover that there was a “patient zero” who seems to be the key to understanding this phenomenon. To gain more information about patient zero, the player will have to sneak into the hospital to borrow some information. Sneak in, get the man’s name and address, then book it out of there.

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Now the player will need to head downtown and enter the man’s apartment. Inside will be his journal which reveals how he dabbled in magic and how he tried contacting something in his dreams. Now it is back to the hospital. This time the player needs to enter the quarantine wing, which is heavily guarded. Once inside the player will have one option (two if the side quest was completed).

  • Investigate: Will end the mystery
  • Use the Dust of Seeing: Only available if the side quest was completed. Will end the mystery

Ending A (Dream Devourer): Is triggered if the dust of seeing is used and the Dream Devourer is defeated. It should also be noted that a special achievement will be acquired if the player avoids unplugging life support in the battle with the Dream Devourer.

Ending B (Sated….For Now): This is triggered when the player just investigates the quarantine wing.

Eerie Episode of Evolving Eels

Points of Interest: Apartments, School, Seaside (Side-Quest), Neighbor’s House (Target Location)

Side Quest (Ichthyology): Investigate the seaside location twice. There doesn’t seem to be any benefit to completing this side quest aside from experience.

Main Investigation:

Dealing with a suspicious man who often brings in peculiar fish, this mystery is notable because of how Kana will join the player through most of the mystery. The mystery will start with Kana mentioning how her the neighbor was last seen bringing suspicious jars into his apartment. Deciding to investigate his school office, the two of you will discover a few jars filled with eel-like fish—one of which Kana decides to take home.

After some time has passed, Kana will note how the neighbor was seen burning something behind the apartment complex. Investigate the scene and the player will acquire some burnt notes, which the two characters try to decipher. Learning nothing groundbreaking, Kana declares she will break into the neighbor’s apartment tomorrow morning to search for clues.

Sometime later the player character will note that they have not seen Kana for a while. After investigating at school the player learns Kana has not been seen since yesterday. There is only one place Kana may logically be: the neighbor’s house. So that is exactly where the player should go.

Entering the apartment, the player character will be in the neighbor’s kitchen area. From here the player will be allowed to:

  • Escape Immediately: Will end the mystery
  • Enter the Bathroom: Will reveal the neighbor’s dead body and reduce the player’s stamina and reason by 1.
  • Enter the Bedroom: Reveals Kana

Upon locating Kana, she will begin babbling about how something is now inside her eye. From here the player can:

  • Take Kana to the hospital
  • Gouge out Kana’s eye immediately

Either option will trigger the “ophthalmology” event, but both will trigger a different ending.

Ending A (Eye Surgery): Is triggered if the player punctures Kana’s eye before taking her to the hospital.

Ending B (Missing Friend): This is triggered if the player takes Kana to the hospital without puncturing her eye.

Ending C (Left Behind): This is triggered if the escape option is chosen in the neighbor’s kitchen.

Far-Out Fable of a Fear Festival

Points of Interest: Village

Side Quest: N/A

Main Investigation:

Occurring almost entirely in a small village, this mystery stands out from the others on account of how time-sensitive it is and how the player is limited to exploring a small village. Taking several actions in this village will progress the time of day. It goes from morning to evening, evening tonight, and night to the next morning.

On day 1 of the festival, the player will take notice of an inn owner who has hands so deformed that they almost look like claws. Since it is still morning, the family decides to unpack and allow the player character time to explore, at which point the player can:

  • Visit the Inn: Upon visiting the inn’s room, the player will note that it hasn’t seen any visitors in years and discover a folder of available activities lying on a table
  • Visit the Onsen: Will increase stamina by 2
  • Relax a Bit: Will increase reason and sanity by 1
  • Explore the Village: Get a random village/shrine event

By the evening the festival grounds will be open and the player will be allowed to:

  • Enjoy the Festival: Trigger a random festival event
  • Visit a Special Shop: Buy/Sell items

The festival grounds will remain open even during the night, so the player can perform a few actions before day 2. On the second day, the player will notice three people lighting torches and entering the forest. Following them into the forest will trigger a random forest event, but by evening the festival grounds will be open again. The player is allowed the same actions from the previous festival day. But by nightfall, the player character will notice that something is watching them from behind the trees.

By day 3 the player character takes notice of a few villagers talking about ‘something’ waking up by dawn the next morning. The villagers also seem to be watching every step the player takes in the morning. Complete a few actions until the evening and the player character will note how the village is eerily quiet. During the night a trial of blood leading to the village’s outskirts will be revealed.

The player can still continue to choose whatever action(s) they want, but just know that one of the endings requires triggering at least 5 forest events.

Ending A (Police Raid): This is triggered if the player enters the factory before dawn by completing at least 5 forest events.

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Ending B (Too Late): Is triggered if the player enters the factory at or after dawn.

Freaky feature of Found Footage

Points of Interest: Downtown, Mansion (Side-Quest), School, Site of Ritual (Target Location), Village

Side Quest (Witch Story): Investigate the mansion location twice, which will result in the player learning more about the witch’s legend. It also reduces the number of forest tiles later on in the main investigation.

Main Investigation:

In a setup that should remind the player of the Blair Witch Project, the mystery pertains to the mysterious disappearance of several students who were trying to make an investigative documentary about a witch that supposedly roams a nearby forest.

Noting that the missing people were students, the player is lead to the school to see if they were mentioned in the local newspaper. This will lead the player to a nearby village that isn’t too far away. Once the player takes a bus to the said village, the player character notices how everyone there is suspiciously friendly. An old man will eventually approach the player and direct them to an old stone where the students supposedly began their investigation.

Going past the stone and into the woods the player will be shown several forest tiles the player can explore. If the player completed the side quest the number of tiles will be drastically reduced. Continue exploring the woods and eventually the player will find the site of the ritual. From there, the player should find a house and locate its basement. In the basement is a camera pointed at a large hole and three cassette tapes which are named after the missing students.

A creepy sound will begin emanating from the hole. The player will be given two options:

  • Take the Cassettes and Run: Will end the mystery
  • Peek Inside the Hole: Triggers “wishing well” event

Peeking inside will reveal a mesmerizing eye that will draw the player over the edge of the hole bit by bit. From here the player can either:

  • Lose Consciousness: Will end the mystery
  • Pour Acid (only available if side quest was completed): Will end the mystery

Ending A (Shunned House): This is triggered if the player completed the side quest and obtained a can of acid.

Ending B (Wishing Well): Is triggered if the player passes out when peering inside the well.

Ending C (Tapes): This is triggered by taking the cassettes and running without looking inside the hole.

Horrible History of Household Hell

Points of Interest: Downtown, Forest, Mansion, School (Side-Quest), Underground Chamber (Target Location)

Side Quest: Investigate the school two times. The player will learn that the mansion is situated on a set of cliffs known for its extensive cave system.

Main Investigation:

Having the player investigate a supposedly haunted house, the mystery will question if the mansion is actually haunted and if any tragic events happened there. And if something did happen there, what caused it?

Starting with the player attempting to discover the mansion’s location, head downtown to investigate. Eventually, the player will discover that the mansion is located somewhere near the cliffs. Then head into the forest and locate said mansion. Once there the player character will realize they will need rope to make it through the mansion’s high window.

Head back to downtown, buy a rope, head back to the forest and enter the mansion. Once inside the player should hear a noise emanating from the locked study. Continue searching the mansion until a key to the study is found. Entering the study will reveal a dank and dusty room that has a slight draft. From there the player character will quickly move aside a carpet to reveal a secret passageway. Enter it and follow the passage which is emanating a haunting melody. At some point, the player will find an underground chamber with an altar. It is in this chamber that the player will find the aquatic creature known as Oetaru. The player will have three choices:

  • Sacrifice an ally to Oetaru: Will end the mystery and kill the player’s ally
  • Run away from Oetaru: Will end the mystery
  • Step closer to the altar and never confront Oetaru: Will end the mystery

Ending A (Inner Coil): This is triggered if the player sacrifices an ally to Oetaru.

Ending B (Beast Awakened): Is triggered if the player runs away from Oetaru

Ending C (Mystery Buried Deep): This is triggered if the player approaches the altar without engaging Oetaru.

Macabre Memoir of Morbid Mermaids

Points of Interest: Downtown, Morbid School (Target Location), Seaside (Side-Quest), School

Side Quest (Mermaid Sighting): Investigate the seaside two times. Encounters at this location can potentially give the player the Insmasu Look, which is required for one ending.

Main Investigation:

This mystery is about a janitor who is obsessed with mermaids. He eventually became insane and began using the bodies of students as materials to make a mermaid of his own.

The player character notes how another student from their area has gone missing. Heading downtown to investigate, the player learns that all of the students attended the same school. Once at the school, the player will learn that the students were all part of the swimming team and will begin questioning if they were stalked or followed. This will lead the player to a notebook that contains detailed notes on the swim team itself and mermaids. This will lead a player to a special room which will trigger the “fish heads” event.

The room is filled with rotting fish guts and useless fish heads and will reduce the player’s reason and stamina by 1. After backing out of the foul room the player should make their way toward the science lab where a map of the town’s sewer system should be found. Noting that someone marked a path from the school to the sea, the player should head downtown to ask the adults some questions. But upon finding the adults weirdly apathetic to the whole situation, the player character will decide to compare the sewer plan with the school map. This will lead the player to the school basement where the missing students are presumably being held.

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Upon entering the school basement, the player will find the dismembered torso of the latest missing girl and a Mad Janitor. The player has no choice but to prepare themselves for battle. The choices for the mystery’s endings can be found in the fight itself, and are only made available after a certain amount of combat rounds have passed. These include:

  • Force Manhole Open: Will end the mystery
  • Topple a Lamp: Will end the mystery and burn down the whole school
  • Distract Him (Player must have Insmasu Look): Will end the mystery

Ending A (Morbid Discovery Raid): This is triggered if the player defeats the Mad Janitor.

Ending B (Mermaid in a Manhole): Is triggered if the player opens the manhole.

Ending C (Fire and Water): Is triggered if the player knocks over a lamp and burns down the whole school.

Ending D (Insmasu Curse): If the player has the Insmasu curse, the player can trigger this ending if the player chooses to distract the Mad Janitor.

Rotten Report of a Rancid Ramen

Points of Interest: Apartments, Downtown, Lab (Target Location)

Side Quest (Dumpster Dive): Discard two item cards to complete this quest. This will have the player sneak into an alley at night and recover some smelly meat.

Main Investigation:

The mystery? What makes the ramen of a recently opened restaurant so good? Hosting a blind owner, the ramen served at this restaurant is so enticing that people can’t stop eating it once they take a bite.

Upon hearing about the ramen shop on the local news, the player can investigate the apartments to reveal that the ramen shop can be seen from the staircase’s window. Upon watching for a few hours, the player character notes that they have not seen a cook enter or leave. Going to the restaurant’s ever-lengthening line reveals nothing, and all questions are ignored. While downtown, the player character will notice that the ramen shop produces a smell of grease, rot, and blood. Once at the shop’s forefront, the player will order a bowl, take a sample, and leave the restaurant without taking a single bite. This will trigger the “lab results” event, where the player needs to choose what to send to the lab for analysis:

  • Just Send the Vial of Ramen Soup: Will end the mystery
  • Send the Vial and the Smelly Meat (only available if the side quest was completed): Will end the mystery

Ending A (Lab Results (Full)): Is triggered if both the vial and meat is sent to the lab.

Ending B (Lab results (Partial)): Is triggered if the player only sent in the vial for testing.

Spine-Chilling Story of School Scissors

Points of Interest: School

Side Quest: N/A

Main Investigation:

Rumors say that another boy from school disappeared. Rumors also say that a woman with a wide smile and sharp scissors has returned from the grave. Knowing that the aforementioned boy was up to something before he disappeared, the player uses his cryptic notebook to help solve this mystery.

After looking at the friend’s diary, the player characters know that banishing the scissor woman requires drawing an eldritch symbol and lighting holy candles. But some pages are missing. Since the missing boy was a classmate, the school seems like the most logical place to start. Investigating the school lockers will eventually give the player a wooden bat (or a torch if the school was burned down), which the player character feels they may need later. Another weapon, the sport rifle, can also be found in another locker if the player has a ‘tiny key’.

From there the player needs to find two items: blessed chalk and holy candles. The chalk is to draw the symbol that will summon the demon woman, and the blessed candles are meant to weaken her. Continue exploring the school until the player uncovers more pages of the friend’s diary, which will reveal where the blessed chalk can be found. The candles can be found by exploring the school.

When the chalk is acquired, the player should enter the classroom and begin preparing for the ritual by drawing the sigil. The player will be given several options on how to draw the sigil. When the holy candles are acquired, the player can begin the ritual which will summon the Demon Woman (or Scissor Woman (Burned) if the school was burned down). Beat her and the player will complete the mystery.

Ending A (Saved Friend): Is triggered if the player performs the ritual correctly and defeats the scissor woman.

Ending B (Legend Continues): Is triggered if the player either failed to draw the proper sigil or started the ritual without lighting the candles.

World of Horror is available on PC as an early assess game.

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